Anonymous ID: bbad9c Aug. 23, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.10398864   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I had cops pull a gun on me once.

Just once?



>Someone called me in for "stealing" my own motorcycle when my garage door opener went missing and I had to pry the door up to get my bike out.

Feel ya.

Can't even fucking tell you how many "misunderstandings" I've had, living in a suburban neighborhood right next to a major US shit-hole, I mean "city".

Last one was while walking home from the coffee shop, through muh own neighborhood, only to get confronted by cops responding to a call about a person getting a knock on their front door. It was like 6 or 7 pm. Responding to a knock. On someone's door.


When I witness a car get stolen and try to help by calling the police, I get threatened with arrest. When I get assaulted by a group of assailants and try to call 911, I get told to come down to the station to write-up a police report, and/or face possible arrest. But heaven forbid someone get a fucking knock on their door! Send in the SWAT and have armed guards at the ready!


Fucking great. Cops actually asked me why I was walking through the sub to get back home, and not on the main road, on a snowy winter day, with my back to on-coming traffic. I'm just glad I had a receipt from the coffee shop, otherwise I'd have likely spent time in jail for no reason, once again, during the Holiday season…