I enjoyed this so much that
I reposted it.
Seeing it all in a new light after all these years.
Shit making sense now. More sense than ever it did before.
the question: What is the Fifth Column? what does it mean?
the "fifth column" is the troops who have situated themselves
inside the organizations of a country to undermine it from within
in order to destroy it and bring it down
>>10399957 (last bread)
very late response
there are some people who believe that the United States has been undermined
from within for decades
maybe before WWI
maybe after WWII
but some people…
some people…
think that England is trying to get her colony back
and then there are those who:
The Quigley Formula - G. Edward Griffin lecture
Quigley was a history professor
that was honored by Bill Clinton in his inaugural address
There is an organization funded by Cecil Rhodes, the diamond mine owner
at least his seven wills
that are not all known publicly
to turn the world into an English Colony
then it morphed into "The New World Order"