austin powers level
ok this is fkn hilarious.
you are watching a movie and he is one of the good guys. all the actors that are /ourguys/ are pissed. builds suspension for when justice is finally served. also, regular people are pissed.
my point is that you can trust the plan and still be pissed off that justice has not been served yet.
pizzagate pics related. click to expand, it doesn't auto download. not going to debate you, but will provide you with information that may change your mind.
any idea what the meaning behind the ursa minro without polaris? not a spacefag
a constellation with no guiding light. interdastin?
ty anon, appreciate that. o7
they know exactly who we are anon. or else we'd probably be ded already. kek
people will forget what you, people will forget what you did, but people will never ever forget how you made them meme.
where are jeff smith and scott cummings now?