Be a PATRIOT Wear yourMASKlike the LAW SAYS, get your MANDATEDVACCINEfrom the Military, follow every unconstitutionalE.O., you haveNOright to protect yourself, family, property or fresh air because it offends me
WRONG…TRUMP backs all of that
So TRUMP didn't say wearing a MASK is Patriotic? He didn't say that the Military would handle the Vaccines? He hasn't pushed through E.O. after E.O.?
Just another lying politician
He said a lot that hasn't happened yet too
I saw him fucking say it you legit TARDO
Ahhhhh…..Some of the traitors could actually i dunno, BE ARRESTED and HELD ACCOUNTABLE. That might help. He could NOT be a dictator and STILL do something. WHY NOT BOTH?