Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.10403547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3588 >>3621

Former First Lady Confidante Stephanie Wolkoff Secretly Taped her Conversations with Melania Trump and Is Writing a Book on It


Disgusting opportunist and fake friend Stephanie Wolkoff is coming out with a new book on beautiful Melania Trump.


What happened to integrity in our society?


Wolkoff secretly taped her conversations with Melania as her senior advisor in the White House.


And now she is publishing a book with the dirt she collected on her former friend.


Yashar Ali says Melania dissed on Trump’s kids — which is something many mothers do.


What a horrible friend.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.10403568   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Luongo Exposes Dems' Strategy: Use COVID To Destroy Everything, Blame Trump


I was asked for comments by Sputnik News the other day about Democratic Nominee Joe Biden’s assertion he would lock down the entire country if the scientists told him to.


As you can imagine I didn’t hold back.


The idea that the scientists who have been the most vocal in advising President Trump and the other world leaders, would give Biden the honest answer about how to deal with COVID-19 at this point is beyond laughable.


I’m sorry but the official arbiters of “Science!” have done nothing but lie, delay, obfuscate and oversell the threat of this virus. And their miscommunication, intentional, well-meaning, or just incompetent, has cost humanity hundreds of billions if not trillions in accumulated wealth and time.


Those things translate directly into lives lost, opportunities destroyed.


Has Biden not looked around and seen the multiplying protests worldwide against these idiotic and tyrannical lock downs?


Biden’s handlers are telling him to campaign on this because they are trying to hold together The State, the religion of the Left, as the final arbiter of truth and societal best practices while it fails right in front of our eyes.


And I believe this is why they are trying so hard to hold onto these narratives so tightly. No one wants to watch their belief system wither and die on the vine.


No one is comfortable with having their fundamental premises which form their worldview be revealed as inadequate to the task. But that is exactly what is happening to progressives and socialists of all stripes.


All of the social welfare systems are failing from over-promising and imminent failures to produce.


Everything that has been unleashed upon us in 2020 is a direct result of this mad scramble to claw back the power of the White House by any means necessary and it’s woken a lot of people out of their slumber as to what they can expect from their government.


We selected the wrong man for president four years ago and Congress has worked nonstop, on both sides of the political aisle, to ensure he doesn’t achieve anything of lasting significance.


Somehow they think continuing to lie about him and talk down to us will somehow become endearing.


So, in the context of that and the freak show that was this year’s Democratic National Convention I answered Sputnik’s questions with a frankness that, honestly, surprised me.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.10403600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Little Known Obama US Attorney Barbara McQuade Promoted Radical Immigration Policies In Michigan and Then Moved on to the Russia Collusion Coup


Little known Obama US Attorney Barbara McQuade supported loose immigration policies in Dearborn, Michigan and then moved on to support the Mueller and Weissmann unconstitutional and criminal coup attempt of President Trump.


We reported in July 2019 that Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib’s father accused his ‘daughter of the year’ Rashida of lying and reporting that she lived in her father’s home in order to run for office in his district. Next we reported that her father wasn’t the only man Tlaib had a problem with. Tlaib also accused a man by the name of Imad Hamad of sexually abusing her years ago.


Hamad was the head of the American Muslim Anti-Discrimination Committee and Rashida Tlaib’s old boss. As soon as Tlaib got elected to office, she accused him of sexual harassment and wrote an official complaint letter to to Barbara McQuade, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan.


The letter confirmed that Tlaib knew about Hamad sexual abusing a number of females employees of the ADC for 15 years.


McQuade who knew and worked with Imad Hamad for years did absolutely nothing about it.


The name Barbara McQuade may sound familiar. This is because she was the one who facilitated Obama’s unrestricted Muslim immigration to Michigan and shelled from prosecution US based Muslim extremists.


Today’s Dearborn is not the same Dearborn from 40 years ago in large part due to actions by individuals like McQuade:


After being let go by President Trump, in 2016-2019 McQuade worked with Mueller and other former Obama attorneys on developing the legal theory behind the Trump Russian collusion and obstruction of justice projects and the anti-Flynn strategies. FYI, McQuade testified during the Muller hearings


Above is picture of Barbara McQuade the promoter of an anti-American Muslim extremist in Michigan and Trump Russian collusion and legal theorist behind the Flynn the traitor argument.

Thank God she’s no longer an attorney for the US government.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.10403609   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WHO chief warns against ‘vaccine nationalism’ as 172 countries sign up for global Covid-19 vaccine distribution plan


The majority of the world’s countries agreed to take part in the global scheme designed to distribute Covid-19 vaccines at the lowest price possible, the head of the World Health Organization has revealed.


Under the COVAX plan, 2 billion doses of the vaccine will be distributed across the globe by 2021, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. The program aims to ensure "equitable access" to Covid-19 vaccines and make the price "as low as possible."


Ghebreyesus said that as of today, 172 countries, representing the 70 percent of the world’s population, have signed up for the program. International cooperation is the key to combatting the coronavirus, the WHO head said.


Vaccine nationalism only helps the virus. The success of the COVAX facility hinges not only on countries signing up to it, but also filling key funding gaps.


"There is light at the end of the tunnel. As I said last week, together we can do it," he stated.


Companies in various countries have been developing vaccines for Covid-19 since the start of the outbreak. Six anti-viral drugs are currently undergoing Phase 3 trials, according to WHO data.


Earlier this month, Russia became the first nation to register a vaccine with its regulator. Although it was done before the crucial Phase 3 trial was completed, Alexander Gintsburg, the top official behind the vaccine, told RT that more than 3,500 people inoculated with it showed no serious negative effects.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.10403631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3943

Coroner declares 20-year-old woman dead, and her body is transported to a funeral home. Then the funeral home employees noticed she was still breathing




In a bizarre story, a 20-year-old Detroit-area woman suffered an apparent cardiac arrest in her home on Sunday and was declared deceased by paramedics and a coroner; however, when her body was transported to a funeral home, the funeral home employees found her very much alive and breathing and called EMS to take her to the hospital, where she remains apparently alive at the time of this article's publication.


According to WDIV-TV, her saga began Sunday morning when paramedics were summoned to her house to respond to an apparent cardiac arrest. According to a statement provided by the Southfield, Michigan, fire department, "At 7:34 a.m. on August 23, 2020, Southfield Fire Department paramedics arrived at a home in Southfield on a call for an unresponsive female. When paramedics arrived, they found a 20-year-old who was not breathing. The paramedics performed CPR and other life reviving methods for 30 minutes. Given medical readings and the condition of the patient, it was determined at that time that she did not have signs of life."


According to WDIV, the woman was officially pronounced dead by a doctor at a nearby hospital, who apparently did not physically examine the woman, but based his decision solely upon the word of the paramedics and what they described. The fire department then contacted the Oakland County Medical Examiner, who released her body to a local funeral home. When the body arrived, funeral home employees noted that the woman was still breathing and contacted EMS, who transported her to a nearby hospital.


The woman's condition and prognosis were not immediately released; however, WDIV spoke with the woman's mother, who stated that she was not sure whether her daughter would survive. "I'm devastated that my daughter is going through what she's going through. My family, her twin brother, her older brother — it's just, I don't even have words. I haven't slept all night. I just don't know what to do. My heart is so heavy," the woman said.


According to the woman, she was unaware that her daughter was still alive until she received a call from the funeral home. "They said, 'Ma'am, your daughter is on her way to Sinai Grace Hospital. She is breathing. She is alive.'"

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.10403642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3654 >>3695 >>3790 >>3911 >>4095 >>4255

Joe Biden Fails to Condemn Kenosha Riots; Calls Shooting ‘Systemic Racism’


Former Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that the shooting of a black man in Kenosha, Wisconsin, by police on Sunday was “systemic racism.” He failed to condemn the rioting, looting, and arson that followed throughout the working-class city.


In a Facebook note, Biden said:


Yesterday in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back as police attempted to restrain him from getting into his car. His children watched from inside the car and bystanders watched in disbelief. And this morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force. This calls for an immediate, full and transparent investigation and the officers must be held accountable.


These shots pierce the soul of our nation. Jill and I pray for Jacob’s recovery and for his children.


Equal justice has not been real for Black Americans and so many others. We are at an inflection point. We must dismantle systemic racism. It is the urgent task before us. We must fight to honor the ideals laid in the original American promise, which we are yet to attain: That all men and women are created equal, but more importantly that they must be treated equally.


Biden omitted several key details from his account. According to the Kenosha News, police had attempted to use a Taser on Blake before shooting him. Video shows Blake walking away from police with guns drawn and reaching into his car.


This just happend in Kenosha, WI. 💔#BlackLivesMatter.


— chrizi (@nolimitchrizi) August 23, 2020


Local police have not yet provided a full explanation for the incident, including whether the man was suspected of being armed.


Riots in Kenosha erupted overnight, with armed rioters confronting police. Police were attacked and stores were looted. The National Guard was deployed on Monday.


Biden did not condemn the rioting, nor did he call for calm or even peaceful protest.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.10403663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3682

‘Fake News!’: Trump Calls Out CNN, MSNBC And Fox News In A Single Tweet


President Donald Trump dubbed CNN, MSNBC and Fox News as “Fake News” Tuesday, complaining that the networks were not covering the Republican National Convention’s (RNC) roll call of states.


Three hundred and sixty-six delegates appeared Monday morning in Charlotte, North Carolina to re-nominate Trump, The New York Times reported. The delegates represented 50 states, Washington, D.C. and five territories .


“This is what the Republican Party is up against. Also, I’d like to hear the remarks of the Delegates from individual States, rather than @FoxNews anchors. Ridiculous!” Trump tweeted.


Fox News appeared to be airing the roll call Monday morning. CNN was keeping a tally of the roll call with a video section as reporters and pundits spoke about the convention, while MSNBC appeared to be discussing the RNC.


The RNC runs from Aug 24 – Aug 27 and Trump will be speaking each night. The convention will be smaller than previous years due to COVID-19, with much of it being virtual.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.10403690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3712

TikTok sues the Trump administration for trying to ban it in the US and says it is NOT a national security threat despite being owned by a Chinese company because all senior staff are in America


TikTok announced on Monday that it was suing the Trump administration

It says Trump's executive order threatening to ban the app within 90 days unless ByteDance, its Chinese owners, sells it to an American entity

He says it poses a national security risk that gives Americans' information to the Chinese

Microsoft is among American companies considering buying it

TikTok claims the executive order is politically motivated and that it has gone to 'extraordinary lengths' to protect US users' data from the Chinese government

They say Trump is putting thousand 10,000 American jobs at risk

It is unclear which court TikTok is filing the lawsuit in


TikTok has announced it is suing the Trump administration for trying to ban it in the US and insists it is not a national security threat despite being owned by Chinese company ByteDance because most of its senior executives are based in America.


In a press release on Monday morning before filing its lawsuit, the company said: 'Now is the time for us to act. We do not take suing the government lightly, however we feel we have no choice but to take action to protect our rights, and the rights of our community and employees.'


On August 6, Trump signed an executive order which would ban people in the US from making transactions with the Chinese owners of the app - ie being able to download it - unless they were sold within 45 days. He later extended it to 90 days; the new deadline is November 12.

Microsoft is considering buying it but a deal has not yet been done.


In its press release, TikTok said it took 'extraordinary measures' to protect American users' information from the Chinese government.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.10403703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3790 >>4095 >>4255

Border Patrol Agents Seize Drugs, Cash in South Texas


On August 20 at approximately 1:30 pm local time, Border Patrol agents in Rio Grande City were working in an area known as Eagles Landing. The area is well known as a narcotics and human smuggling corridor for the Gulf Cartel. They observed 11 people on the Mexican side of the river approaching the bank. Agents also noticed them carrying nine large bundles. As they entered the river and crossed the Rio Grande, the suspects hastily approached a white SUV parked on the U.S. side and began loading the vehicle.


Once loaded, the vehicle quickly fled the scene toward a warehouse. Agents were able to arrest four suspects at the location and seized all nine bundles later determined to be 347 pounds of marijuana.


Agents also found the suspects had a pistol, extra ammunition, and $12,757 in U.S. cash.


Breitbart Texas spoke with an agent about the incident who stated the U.S. Attorney’s Office refused to accept charges in the case. As a result, agents notified the Starr Country Sheriff’s Office for jurisdiction and charging.


The agent stated it is common for U.S. prosecutors to decline charges due to the overwhelming number of busts in conjunction with smaller drug loads seized. Border Patrol agents are routinely forced to contact local and state law enforcement agencies to take jurisdiction.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.10403720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3770 >>3790 >>4095 >>4255

Australia: Authorities Give Themselves Power to Remove Children From Parents to Ensure COVID Compliance


Authorities in Australia have given themselves the power to have police remove children from the custody of their parents in order to ensure compliance with coronavirus rules.


Schedule 2 of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020 amends the Emergency Response Act 2004 to create new powers during “declared emergencies.”


Section 25 of the act states the following;


—Removal of children

(1) Without derogating from section 25, an authorised officer may, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with any direction under that section, remove a child from any premises, place, vehicle or vessel to a place of residence of the child or to a hospital or quarantine facility, as the authorised officer thinks fit (and may, in doing so, use such force as is reasonably necessary).

A child is defined as anyone under the age of 18.


As we have exhaustively documented, the state of Victoria’s coronavirus lockdown is one of the most draconian in the developed world.


Yesterday, authorities in Melbourne announced that they would be using surveillance drones to catch people who don’t wear masks and to keep track of cars that travel further than 5km from home.


Several videos have also emerged of police manhandling and choking women for not wearing masks.


Police have also been given the power to enter people’s homes without a warrant and perform quarantine spot checks.


Drivers are also being asked to show their papers at highway checkpoints simply to get to work.


Anyone caught outside without a mask or violating the 8pm-5am curfew also risks a massive fine.


Australia’s crackdown is rivaled by neighboring New Zealand, which announced last week that suspected COVID infectees and their family members would be held inside quarantine camps against their will for at least 14 days.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.10403760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3778 >>3790 >>3834 >>4095 >>4255

Bill Gates Secretly Dictates Global Food Policy Too


Bill Gates has built a global empire around his technologies and “philanthropic” endeavors, the magnitude of which is now becoming increasingly clear. His sheer wealth has allowed him to become a veritable superpower in his own right. He’s not only risen to become the largest funder of the World Health Organization and the unelected global COVID-19 health czar but he’s also a secret powerbroker of the global food system.


As revealed in the AGRA Watch report,1 “The Man Behind the Curtain: The Gates Foundation’s Influence on the UN Food Systems Summit,” published August 2020, Gates wields powerful influence over global food and agriculture policy through his funding of a large number of organizations involved in agricultural development and policy making.

Gates-Funded Organizations Defend Gates-Funded UN Envoy


While Gates is just one man, his clout is significantly leveraged and magnified by the fact that he funds such a large number of companies and organizations that can then do his bidding on the sly.


When you see long lists of groups, you automatically think there are many players in the game when, in fact, Gates is the singular thread running through most or all of them. The AGRA Watch report2 makes a perfect case in point with the story of Agnes Kalibata.


Kalibata is the president of Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), an organization funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In December 2019, Kalibata was appointed special envoy to the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit by the secretary general of the UN, Antonio Guterres.


In response, 176 civil society organizations and farmer groups from 83 countries urged Guterres to withdraw the appointment of Kalibata due to her clear conflicts of interest with corporate actors. A second statement, signed by more than 500 academics and organizations, also opposed Kalibata’s appointment to, and her organization of, the Summit.


The Gates Foundation seeks to exercise influence not only through its funding of projects and shaping of expertise, but also in funding the governance platforms that determine food and agricultural policy. ~ AGRA Watch


That’s significant pushback, illustrating there’s widespread concern about Kalibata’s appointment. Coming forward in her defense were a dozen individuals representing development banks, academic institutions and the private sector.


They urged Guterres to retain Kalabata, citing her leadership qualities and work ethic, among other things. However, of those 12 defenders, “11 had past or current connections to the Gates Foundation,” AGRA Watch says, adding:3


“In some instances, the organizations were directly funded by the Gates Foundation, and in others, the Gates Foundation funded specific programs in which the signers had played roles. One organization was funded by AGRA, which is funded by the Gates Foundation.”



Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.10403778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3790 >>4095 >>4255



Gates’ Medical Plan: Global Immunization and Surveillance


One of the reasons many are now becoming aware of just how powerful Gates has become is because of his frequent appearances as the COVID-19 expert du jour. It’s an odd choice, considering his complete and total lack of formal medical training. It’s particularly perplexing in light of how the opinions of actual medical doctors, award-winning scientists and researchers who conflict with his views are being scrubbed off the internet.


Gates has repeatedly stated that life cannot go back to normal until and unless we vaccinate the entire global population against COVID-19. This, despite the fact that scientists and medical researchers have discovered a variety of safe, simple and inexpensive strategies to prevent and treat COVID-19.


The fact that Gates’ irrational and scientifically unsound opinions are shaping pandemic responses around the globe while real medical professionals are being censored by mainstream media and social media platforms is proof positive that we’re no longer operating from a base of science and medical truth.


Instead, the whole world is expected to fall into line with the self-serving agenda created by Gates and his many allies in technology and medicine. In an April 30, 2020, GatesNotes post,11,12 Gates even states he “suspect[s] the COVID-19 vaccine will become part of the routine newborn immunization schedule” — a nice little piece of predictive programming, if you ask me.


Mind you, the mRNA vaccines being developed against COVID-19 will alter your genetic expression, turning your body into a viral protein factory. Is it really wise to consider using such a novel vaccine on newborns? In a sane and rational world, the answer would be a resounding no. Unfortunately, we now live in a world run by Gates’ goons, and thus reason and logic have largely vanished from the equation.



Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.10403789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3799

Another rigged Pa. poll oversampling Democrats shows Biden up by 4, Dems 47%, Reps 39%, Ind 12%


I love the fact that they are Gas lighting their own voters just like 2016.


BTW Morning Call/Muhlenberg College is a notorious left leaning polling organization.


Joe Biden narrowly leading Trump


Morning Call Poll Internals

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:50 a.m. No.10403809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3817

CNN editing videos to make Donald Trump more Orange.


I found this funny. Somehow I ended up on CNN and noticed that Donald Trump looked a lot more “Orange” than normal. I decided to check some other channels and sure enough he was Umpa Lumpa orange on CNN. These people really are sick, funny but sick. CNN Link Fox News MSNBC link CBS link NBC Ruters

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.10403821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Massive Zoom outage throws locked-down eastern United States for a loop​​


As the coronavirus-induced social distancing measures have continued for five months, the United States has grown increasingly reliant on videoconferencing options to keep businesses moving. One such videoconferencing app, Zoom, has become especially popular due to its ease of use and ability to accommodate multiple participants, which has made it particularly useful for schools and businesses.


So when a massive Zoom outage hit the eastern half of the United States and some portions of Europe this morning, a significant number of operations were disrupted, from distance learning in schools to court proceedings to business meetings.


According to a statement provided to ABC News, a spokesperson for Zoom said, "We have received reports of users being unable to start and join Zoom Meetings and Webinars. We are currently investigating and will provide updates as we have them. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience."


In particular, many parents across the country woke up to text messages and emails from their children's school districts notifying them that due to a Zoom outage, classes would not be able to go forward this morning.


The service was largely down in the United States throughout the entire morning on Monday, but a status update on the company's website claimed that as of 12:37 ET, the company believed it had identified and fixed the issue, although it promised to continue monitoring services to ensure that they remained operational.


Neither the company's statement nor the status update website indicated whether the company believed that the service went down due to an intentional attack; however, since the start of the pandemic, Zoom and other videoconferencing services have been the targets of numerous attacks by hackers. According to the status update site, the problem was due to an "authentication error," but the cause of this error was not stated.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.10403840   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter Founder Dorsey Donates to BLM Prof Who Wants Totalitarianism To Eradicate 'Racist Ideas'


Ibram X. Kendi has become, if not a household name, something approximating it for an academic set not used to attention. Thus, when Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey agreed to give Kendi’s Boston University Center for Antiracist

Research a $10 million grant last week, just two months after the center was opened, that was a pretty big deal.


“Your $10M donation, with no strings attached, gives us the resources and flexibility to greatly expand our antiracist work. The endowment is vital, as we build our new Center,” Kendi wrote on Twitter.


“Racism is a juggernaut. Racist policies + ideas are ubiquitous,” he added.


“We need juggernauts combating racism. We need the ubiquity of antiracist research, policy innovation, narrative change, and activism.”

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.10403872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4095 >>4255

DUSA Pharmaceuticals To Pay U.S. $20.75 Million To Settle False Claims Act Allegations Relating To Promotion Of Unsupported Drug Administration Process

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.10403881   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NASA Researcher Arrested for False Statements and Wire Fraud in Relation to China’s Talents Program

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, noon No.10403903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats and Communist China Are Using COVID-19 to Manipulate and Punish Those They Don’t Like


The China coronavirus (COVID-19) is dispersing but some communist run regimes around the world are still using it as a vehicle to punish those they don’t like. Below are some examples:


China is reportedly using COVID as an excuse to suppress Catholic services within its borders. Breitbart reported that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse for shutting down Catholic worship, according to a report Friday from UCANews.


China also is punishing Hong Kong for its anti-China sentiment. The tiny country Hong Kong has been under COVID-19 restrictions since January of this year. The schools have been closed this entire time. The airport is a ghost town even though it once had a quarter million travelers going through its doors every day. The small nation now fully under China’s grip has had less coronavirus deaths (77) to date than flu deaths (113) through February, but severe restrictions are still in place.


Democrat states which are acting more like communist countries by the day, have been horrible to their citizenry since the outbreak of COVID-19. We calculated in June that Americans were twice as likely to die from the coronavirus in Democrat led states than in Republican led states.


New York is the model for COVID-19 abuse. The state has more deaths than any other state by far and it’s due to the policies put in place by its Governor Cuomo. Killer Cuomo mandated that COVID infected patients be taken in by elderly and disabled homes across the state and the number of deaths exploded. More people have died in New York than any location in the world due to New York’s insane policies.


To no one’s surprise, Democrat states have higher unemployment than Republican states as of the end of July.


The United States’ unemployment rate for July was 10.2%, according to the BLS. However, five states with the highest levels of unemployment are well above the national average, per the BLS:


Massachusetts (16.1%)


New York (15.9%)


Nevada (14.0%)


New Jersey (13.8%)


Pennsylvania (13.7%)


Democrat run states have placed casinos over churches and mandated face masks based on no empirical evidence this works to prevent COVID deaths. They have shut down small businesses in their communities for months in an apparent effort, like China, to kill these businesses and economies for good.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.10403927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4095 >>4255



A gas pipeline explosion in Damascus countryside has led to widespread power outages all across Syria, SANA reports, citing the country’s electricity and energy ministries


There’s a total blackout throughout the entire country caused by a gas pipe explosion.


Syrian oil minister says an explosion targeting the main line feeding the southern region could be an “act of terrorism”.


Breaking in Syria:


There's a total blackout throughout the entire country caused by a gas pipe explosion.


Syrian oil minister says an explosion targeting the main line feeding the southern region could be an “act of terrorism".


— Nicole Alexander Fisher (@_nalexander) August 24, 2020


The gas pipeline reportedly exploded between Dumayr & Adra in southern Syria. The blackouts are being reported at countrywide level. This is pretty significant. #Syria


— FJ (@Natsecjeff) August 24, 2020

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.10403956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Father Blasts Daughter's School After Discovering Sick, Leftist Propaganda in Girl's Books


It’s difficult, in this day and age, to find a public school that doesn’t have some sort of leftist propaganda in it. The problem, in the case of one Nashville, Tennessee father, is how far the propaganda is going these days — particularly in the name of “anti-racism.”


Grant Benson is the founder of Breaking 911, better known as a Twitter account but which also has a website. According to a report Benson wrote on his Twitter account and his website, his daughter’s second-grade syllabus includes several disturbing new books, including one titled “Separate Is Never Equal” about a young Latina who integrated schools in Southern California.


First, though, he lambasted the distance learning program in Nashville, Tennessee.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.10403974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4095 >>4255

How the Israel-UAE pact undermines international law


“Normalising” relations


Much of the diplomatic world has gone gaga over the 13 August 2020 “normalisation” of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates – facilitated by years of encouragement coming out of Washington.


In truth, this is but a quasi-new relation, because “Israel and the UAE have been cooperating and normalising relations under the table for many years”. The UAE’s agreement to the public upgrading of this relationship was reportedly made in exchange for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s “suspension of plans to annex parts of the West Bank”. We can now update the old warning to beware of Greeks bearing gifts – beware of Zionists offering compromise.


Though the Israeli prime minister’s suspension of annexation is hailed as a major compromise on the part of Israel, it is more illusory than real. Both the Palestinians and Netanyahu himself pointed out that the suspension is not seen as a permanent one. The Palestinians and their supporters also quickly pointed out that this agreement changed nothing in terms of Israel’s illegal behaviour on the ground – particularly the de facto annexation represented by the continuing encroachment of Israeli settlements. Under these circumstances the agreement actually registers the UAE’s acceptance of this criminal state of affairs. The Palestinian spokesperson, Hanan Ashrawi, put it succinctly: “May you never be sold out by your ‘friends.’ Israel got rewarded for not declaring openly what it has been doing to Palestine illegally and persistently since the beginning of the occupation.”


Despite the fact that the change from informal relations to something more official and public meant little change on Israel’s part, the leaders of the Zionist state, the US and the UAE were determined to present the event in a way that would convince both themselves and others that something momentous had been realised.


The joint statement coming from the three governments celebrated a “historic diplomatic breakthrough”. Netanyahu asserted that the agreement marked “a new age in Israel’s relations with the Arab world”. He expected to see more Arab states follow the UAE’s lead. And, indeed, it looks like the disreputable dictatorship in Bahrain might be the next in line.


President Trump framed the event this way, “By uniting two of America’s closest and most capable partners in the region” – something which his egocentric worldview drove him to insist only his administration could do – “this deal is a significant step towards building a more peaceful, secure and prosperous Middle East.” Trump’s national security advisor, Robert O’Brien, expressed his opinion that the deal should “solidify a Nobel Peace Prize nomination for Trump”. That would, potentially, put Trump right up there with the ignominious Henry Kissinger.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.10403985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If mask mandates are justified by people “testing positive” for coronavirus, they will NEVER end… because the tests will never stop reporting fake “cases”


We now have proof that the medical fascists intend to never end the mask mandates, lockdowns and forced quarantine camps that they claim are necessary due to covid-19. All those Orwellian measures are being justified by coronavirus “cases” stemming solely from people “testing positive” for the coronavirus. But these tests are largely flawed and produce disturbingly high numbers of false positives. Even when the tests are accurate in terms of a genetic match for the virus, if a person isn’t sick with symptoms, then it’s not a “case” to begin with.


I explain why merely carrying a virus without symptoms of sickness is not a “case” in this important medical science article, which is, of course, banned by Facebook, Google and Twitter.


These positive “cases” are now being used to push global pandemic hysteria, falsely claiming the pandemic is out of control and using that fear to justify endless mask mandates, lockdowns and — soon — vaccine mandates.


By definition, this means the plandemic will never end because there will never be a time when people stop “testing positive” for the gene sequences that are said to belong to the coronavirus.


And that’s by design.

Coronavirus PCR tests match genetic base pairs that already exist in human DNA


In fact, according to this shocking videos posted on, the coronavirus PCR test uses genetic sequences that are found in all human DNA! This means that as long as human beings are being tested for the coronavirus, there will always be “positives” which are claimed to be “cases.”


It’s a massive global deception: “Cases” without symptoms. People aren’t even sick but they are said to be contributing to an exploding global pandemic that has already come and gone:

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.10403999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4292

BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA


This was important enough that I wanted to get it out immediately. My research into the NCBI database for nucleotide sequences has lead to a stunning discovery. One of the WHO primer sequences in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 is found in all human DNA!


The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences are what get amplified by the PCR process in order to be detected and designated a “positive” test result. It just so happens this exact same 18-character sequence, verbatim, is also found on Homo sapiens chromosome 8! As far as I can tell, this means that the WHO test kits should find a positive result in all humans. Can anyone explain this otherwise?


I really cannot overstate the significance of this finding. At minimum, it should have a notable impact on test results.


Homo sapiens chromosome 8, GRCh38.p12 Primary Assembly

Sequence ID: NC_000008.11 Length: 145138636

Range 1: 63648346 to 63648363 is “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT”


Update: After some effort, I have finally discovered a way to display proof (beyond my screenshots) that human chromosome 8 has this exact same 18-character sequence. Please try the link below. The sequence is shown at the bottom of the page.$=nuclalign&from=63648346&to=63648363

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.10404037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4050 >>4095 >>4255

Soldiers and civilians killed in blasts at food plaza and church in southern Philippines


At least 11 people have been killed and 40 injured in a bombing attack in the city of Jolo in the Philippines while soldiers were helping with Covid-19 relief efforts. One of the attacks involved a female suicide bomber.


The first explosion occurred inside the Paradise Food plaza next to a computer shop in downtown Jolo at around 12.00am local time, killing five soldiers and five civilians, local media reported, citing the military.


Regional military commander Lieutenant General Corleto Vinluan said that the bomb was attached to a parked motorcycle.


About an hour later a female suicide bomber blew herself up outside the Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel nearby, Vinluan said. The second explosion killed one soldier.


Photos from the scene show charred bodied lying on the street and rescuers treating the wounded.


No one has claimed the responsibility for the attack, but the southern Sulu Archipelago is a stronghold of the ISIS-linked Islamist insurgent group Abu Sayyaf. The group bombed the Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel last year, killing 20 people.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.10404044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4095 >>4123 >>4126 >>4133 >>4255

Blackstone to acquire for $4.7 billion


Blackstone Group Inc BX.N said on Wednesday it agreed to acquire genealogy provider Inc from private equity rivals for $4.7 billion, including debt, placing a big bet on family-tree chasing as well as personalized medicine. is the world’s largest provider of DNA services, allowing customers to trace their genealogy and identify genetic health risks with tests sent to their home.


Blackstone is hoping that more consumers staying at home amid the COVID-19 pandemic will turn to for its services.


“We believe Ancestry has significant runway for further growth as people of all ages and backgrounds become increasingly interested in learning more about their family histories and themselves,” David Kestnbaum, a Blackstone senior managing director, said in a statement.


The deal is Blackstone’s first acquisition out of Blackstone Capital Partners VIII, the largest-ever private equity fund that raised $26 billion from investors last year.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.10404057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4095 >>4255

US Troops Withdraw From Major Iraqi Base


Coalition forces handover base in Camp Taji to the Iraqi government


The US-led coalition in Iraq has withdrawn the last of its forces from Camp Taji, a base near Iraq’s capital Baghdad that has been the target of recent rocket attacks. The coalition handed control of the base to Iraqi security forces, along with $347 million in military equipment.


The anti-ISIS coalition dubbed Operation Inherent Resolve is hailing the move as a success and says it is part of a “long-range” plan with the Iraqi government.


“Camp Taji has historically held up to 2,000 Coalition members, with the majority departing over the summer of 2020,” the coalition said in a statement released on Sunday. The statement said the force was made up of a Spanish helicopter battalion and “military trainers” from Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Turkey, the UK, the US, and NATO.


It is not clear if the forces withdrawing from Camp Taji are leaving Iraq entirely, or if they are just being redeployed in the country. Currently, there are about 5,000 US troops in Iraq and an additional 2,500 from other countries that are part of the coalition.


The troop movement comes after President Trump met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi to discuss a US withdrawal from Iraq. Details from the meeting are scant, but it is believed that Trump wants a troop reduction before the November election.


Camp Taji has seen an increase in rocket attacks since the US assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in January. After the killings, Iraq’s parliament voted unanimously in favor of US and coalition forces leaving the country.

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.10404086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hafter’s LNA Rejects Libya Ceasefire


LNA claims UN-backed GNA is building up forces around Sirte


Khalifa Hafter’s Libyan National Army (LNA) rejected the ceasefire announced by the UN-recognized government of Libya. The Government of National Accord (GNA) announced a ceasefire in a statement on Friday.


Ahmed Mismari, a spokesman for Haftar’s LNA, denounced the ceasefire as a “marketing” stunt and said the GNA was planning a Turkish-backed offensive on the LNA-controlled city of Sirte.


“There is a military build-up and the transfer of equipment to target our forces in Sirte,” Mismari said. The spokesman took aim at the GNA’s Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj. “If al-Sarraj wanted a ceasefire, he would have drawn his forces back, not advanced towards our units in Sirte.”


Libya has turned into a proxy battle for regional rivals, with Haftar’s LNA being backed by Russia, Egypt, and the UAE. The GNA receives support from Turkey and Qatar.


Although it was the US killing of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 that plunged Libya into civil war, it is not exactly clear which side Washington is on in the current conflict. The US nominally supports the GNA, but President Trump has expressed his support for Hafter in the past, leaving allies confused on where the US stands.


Hafter = Mossad

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.10404101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This New Air Force Training Center Will Prep Pilots for War with China and Russia


NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. – The Air Force doesn't have enough aircraft or range space for pilots to train for combat against a sophisticated enemy, so it's looking to link real and simulated environments at a new training center.


Pilots taking part in Red Flag air-to-air combat training exercises could soon face new virtual threats on top of those they're seeing in real life. That's one of the possibilities leaders see out of a new $38 million Virtual Test and Training Center here.


Maj. Gen. Chuck Corcoran, commander of the Air Force Warfare Center, said the center will prep pilots who could be called into a great power competition. Officials gave a tour of the new 60,000-square-foot center, which had its ribbon-cutting ceremony last week.


"There's no live training venue for the joint force and certainly for the Air Force that's big enough or that has the threat density that can replicate what China or Russia can do," Corcoran said. "So the live training venues … and testing venues we have, we have to do what we can on those, collect data, and then feed that into the virtual world and scale it to the size and scope we need."


The Air Force plans to install F-15E Strike Eagle simulators in the new building. The Virtual Test and Training Center's campus will also include F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, F-22 Raptor and F-16 Fighting Falcon simulator buildings located here at Nellis.


"Any conflict in the world could be simulated here," said Lt. Col. Chris "Slam" Duncan, an F-35 operational test pilot and commander of Detachment 1, 29th Training Systems Squadron.


That could include virtually adding other services' or allies' aircraft into a Red Flag mission, so they're all flying in the same airspace simultaneously. Eventually, Duncan said, participants from around the world could join in the training.


The Air Force wants the new virtual center linked with the Joint Simulation Environment, a government-owned modeling environment where fifth generation-plus aircraft and systems can be tested.


"This is a generational leap in the way we train," Duncan said. "This allows us to validate tactics, techniques and procedures we otherwise could not do [on this scale]."

Anonymous ID: cb2e05 Aug. 24, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.10404122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4151

COVID-1984 From A Two-week Lockdown To Mandatory Vaccination & Life In Prison


Unfortunately, COVID-1984 continues to escalate. We were initially told that we would need to have a temporary two-week lockdown to ‘flatten the curve.’


Six months later, we are still in lockdown and now mandatory vaccination policies are being rolled out in addition to severe penalties for violating mandates which include life in prison!


We have seen cases where people have been forcibly removed from their home by the police, in front of their families, and have been forced into quarantine.


All of this in response to a virus with a 99+% survival rate, which multiple world-renowned experts believe originated in a laboratory funded by the US government.


Watch the full video report for free and decide for yourself.


Virginia Health Commissioner says he’ll mandate a COVID-19 vaccine


Nashville city councilwoman recommends attempted murder charges for some not wearing face masks


Greece announces up to life in prison for violating coronavirus quarantine rules


Police Raid Man’s Home, Forcibly Quarantine for Refusing COVID-19 Test


Pope Francis backs ‘universal’ COVID vaccination ‘for all’, WHO thrilled


Renowned European scientist: COVID-19 was engineered in China lab, effective vaccine ‘unlikely’


NIH Cancels Funding for Bat Coronavirus Research Project


Athletes at World Military Games may have brought coronavirus to Europe


U.S. Federal Reserve to Collaborate with MIT in Development of CBDC (Digital Dollar)