Stale and Lame
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Stale and Lame
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Stale and Lame
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Domestic enemies of stuffed ballot boxes, illegals and dead people voting. That system? You betcha
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In the headers of every bread
Hi Freddy!
Stale and Lame
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Rather obvious you are not talented, that's why you shill
You mistake rage for laughter. Anons think you are funny. Finkel is just boring these days, so much repetition. Keep hitting the hookah and keep the delusions, you are such a good lil trooper
Sure thing Special Agent
It's wine from Pelosi's vineyards in the glass, Pepe getting hormoned
Always "Goy " or "Goyim", why is that? Easy to type: Gentile
Saw that one a few days ago. Hasn't gotten any less lame
Keep trying hajji, maybe one night you'll get it. Haven't done more than generate laughter in three years, but you keep trying
How do you figure I am proof that JIDF still exists? Demonstrate the mental gymnastics that got you to that oh so clever answer