Anonymous ID: ce6870 Aug. 24, 2020, 6:37 p.m. No.10407855   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seen some dumbfuck shade from the media on us being the news now, so I have an anecdote for them and anons. I follow a decent number of MAGA Twatters that do not follow Q, but still manage to know anon-fueled theories. Example…after Pence was formally nominated today, I caught a bit of condescension from said crowd to the effect, "so much for the Pence won't be VP again" theories. Wellllll…I first and mostly came across the Pence Man Bad theory on halfchan years ago…then once Q took hold, it sort of came with anons. So the MAGA intelligentsia on Twatter usually claim they don't "need" Q to figure things out, but yet they are still very much aware of the "far-out" things we speculate on? Really, we're in their heads just as much as the liberals' heads. Thing is, lone Twatter accounts may get many eyes, but they can be isolated and echo chambers compared to us, just based on the nature of the platform or individual account. Everything on this board is uncensored, centralized, and then archived to some degree…in other words, it can be found by anyone at anytime. Good luck doing that on Twatter or wherever. But…MAGA Twatter seems twice as productive as a political machine now than before Q. Networks seem more connected because people are more directly engaged in creating and sharing content back and forth between platforms. We have more hashtags and topics to discuss, etc. That's not just the work of Q, that's anons driving the machine. So yes, we are the news now.