Anonymous ID: 343122 Aug. 24, 2020, 8:17 p.m. No.10409479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Governor Brian Kemp Pointedly Corrects the Record on COVID-19 in Georgia


It is no secret that I have supported Governor Brian Kemp’s leadership during the pandemic. He has been smeared and challenged by the national media for moving to reopen. Then they were furious when he would not order masks statewide or let local governments do it. When the results of his plans didn’t lead to a New York-level tragedy, Georgia faded from the headlines. The state only popped up again with school reopening and dishonest coverage of school-related cases.


Even though national coverage waned as Georgia did not overwhelm its hospitals or see death rates approaching those in the northeast, local coverage remained critical. The state’s most influential paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, continued to publish positive tests as cases and push panic porn as the opportunity arose. Today, Governor Kemp decided to set the record straight.