Anonymous ID: 1c5798 Aug. 24, 2020, 8:54 p.m. No.10409937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0289 >>0335 >>0365 >>0389

Fairness: CNN/MSNBC Must Show 90% of GOP Convention Unfiltered


This week is a test for those in the television news business: Are they still trying to deliver “news,” which means letting their audience actually witness important events for themselves (albeit with analysis and commentary from the networks)? Or are they in the “we’ll-only-show-what-liberals-want-us-to-show” business? Last week, CNN and MSNBC let their audiences see roughly 90 percent of the Democratic video show that stood in for this year’s national convention, without any meaningful interruptions. ABC, CBS and NBC showed their viewers about 30 percent of the convention as produced by the party, including 9pm ET hour highlights shown during these broadcast networks’ 10pm ET hour of coverage. If those organizations are still in the news business, that’s exactly how much of the Republican Convention you’ll see on those networks, too. If you watched the entire show on C-SPAN, the four nights totalled 583 minutes of party-produced content, gavel-to-gavel. On the two liberal cable networks, the only real omissions — about eight to ten minutes each night — were the final minutes after the evening’s main speeches, when viewers could have seen a musical performance and the closing prayers delivered by clergy. Otherwise, every speech, every video, every lame joke was shown exactly as planned by the party. Between roughly 9pm and the end of the main speech each night, CNN never interrupted the DNC proceedings for any kind of commentary or analysis, breaking only for a few commercials tucked into the 9pm ET hour. MSNBC didn’t even do that, eschewing commercials. The only time the convention feed stopped, for 21 seconds on Tuesday, co-anchor Rachel Maddow quickly apologized: “We’re actually not interrupting. We’re going right back to it. We were just having a moment. Sorry! Right back. Sorry!”


From Monday through Thursday, MSNBC delivered 525 minutes of Democratic-produced content, while CNN relayed 520 minutes to their viewers, 90 and 89 percent of the entire Biden campaign infomercial, respectively. If you watched the broadcast networks, which began their coverage at 10pm ET, CBS spent a bit more than half (54.5%) of their airtime showing the Democrats’ speeches and videos: 159 minutes out of a total of 292 minutes of coverage over the four nights. The rest of the time was devoted to interviews, analysis, and many more commercials than cable viewers faced. NBC offered a bit more (173 minutes of Democratic content out of 296 minutes of total airtime, or 58.4% of their total), while ABC spent the most of its airtime letting viewers see for themselves: 191 minutes of Democratic-produced material, out of 285 minutes (or 67%). All three presented more than an hour of coverage each night, allowing coverage past 11pm ET so the Democrats’ final speaker of the evening was not interrupted.


So what will happen this week? Will ABC, CBS and NBC devote about 60% of their nightly coverage to showing the Republican program exactly as produced, even if they’re worried about the “wild unpredictability” of a Trump convention? Will CNN and MSNBC dim the lights and let viewers watch virtually the entire program for themselves before the spin starts? Or will they decide, as they have done before, and as CNN’s Brian Stelter all but declared yesterday, that this week’s Republican content is somehow not fit for their viewers? By Thursday night, we’ll see who’s left in the news business, and who’s abandoned it for the political advertising business.

Anonymous ID: 1c5798 Aug. 24, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.10410080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jim Jordan goes POSTAL on Postmaster General Louis DeJoy at House Committee Hearing August 24th 2020


Questioning him on everything and debunking all sorts of MSM hype over removing mail collection boxes.

Anonymous ID: 1c5798 Aug. 24, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.10410114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0124

Statement from Mike Pompeo


Secretary Pompeo Initiates Restoration of Iran Sanctions


Secretary Pompeo: “I notified the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council President that the U.S. is initiating the restoration of virtually all sanctions on Iran lifted under UN Security Council Resolution 2231. Those sanctions will go back into effect in 30 days. America will not appease.”

Anonymous ID: 1c5798 Aug. 24, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.10410301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0365 >>0389

#RNC KICKOFF with Randy’s Nuclear Champagne!!! Congratulations Mr President on yours and Mike Pence’s nomination!!! #TrumpPence2020

Anonymous ID: 1c5798 Aug. 24, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.10410361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump Jr’s RNC Speech Calls For America To End ‘Racism’ And Police Brutality


Donald Trump Jr. delivered a speech in support of his father at Monday’s Republican National Convention that also called on America to end “racism” and police brutality. Halfway through Trump’s remarks, he claimed that under the coronavirus pandemic, “people of faith are under attack” while “mass chaos in the streets gets a pass.” “The Democrat mayors pretend it’s not happening. They called it a summer of love,” he stated before pivoting to condemn police brutality. “All men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. That’s why we must put an end to racism, and we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their powers is held accountable.”


Trump definitively stated that the killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minnesota is a “disgrace.” Still, he argued that America “cannot lose sight of the fact that our police are American heroes.” “They deserve our deepest appreciation. No matter what the Democrats say, you and I both know when we dial 911, we don’t want it going to voice mail. So defunding the police is not an option.” Trump’s remarks came after roughly two hours of speeches — including remarks from Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk and football star Herschel Walker — and several pre-taped segments featuring President Donald Trump himself. The elder Trump is scheduled to deliver his own RNC keynote speech Thursday night.

Anonymous ID: 1c5798 Aug. 24, 2020, 9:42 p.m. No.10410467   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Perhaps you should educate yourself on his last 3 years of success, despite all of the roadblocks and concrete walls the DS, Never Trumper's and the D's dropped in front of him.. Here's a link to get you started: