anyone feel like watching a bun of cry babies whining why they should be on the varsity team instead of on the drool team – wow. doom and gloom it the demonrat way.., the liberal progressive bitter tears create sour puss faces
When is black America gonna realize thar burnign down the only shit the demonras allowed them to have in thar cities??
Whar ya gonna go when know one wants to see, hear what you have to say, sell, or shit burn? When you gonna turn your anger to the theives that steal money America send to your city but John Lewis and Elijah Cummings steal every fucking penny?
What are you stupid? I knows you're not, so EXACTLY WHEN THE FUCK YOU FUCKERS GONNA STOP?
MSDNC stoking with maximum accelerant the flames of Kenosha, yelling BURN MOTHERFUCKER BURN – buttt wut the fuck, why not, they just poor people. gas bag deon lemon is fanning the flames with hate because orange man bad
black people get caught up t=in the anger
than watch helplessly as antifa blm professional saboteurs come in and wreck thar neighborhoods shouting black lives matter , along with msdnc and snn .,
theyre too scared to do say or stop em, but get all tough when they see a white MAGA or anyone they can easily pick on and target, like all the babies they so easily discard and sell for $60 (makes em holla)
purty sho drFRAUD is jessica turdluver's father .. , these two come up with some doozie whoppers that far outclass the STUPIDITY of anyone else
FUCKING geniuses of dumas's
morans, engrish real bad
dum bass , dude tinks thars fish in hears
its spelled dumas, ufuckin stupid nigger, grammer so terrible