Anonymous ID: 8e5044 Aug. 24, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.10410265   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0278


The collapse of the economic system/economic reset is going to happen no matter what anyone does. It doesn't matter in any way what actions are taken because of the fundamental structures of the FED. The question is not the collapse. Everyone paying attention is ready to profit from that bullshit. The question is what direction will the world take at the other end? Will we return to The Constitution in a literal fashion or will we end up in a dark communist technocratic nightmare world. Don't worry about the reset. worry about where we are going afterwords. That is what must be focused on at this point. If you are still unclear about the reset itself then you are WAY behind the power curve and need to catch up on some shit.

Anonymous ID: 8e5044 Aug. 24, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.10410345   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This is pretty much correct. That is part of the process though. Nice to see someone who is clear on this shit out there. Yeah I have been searching and searching for some idea of what the 'new dollar' will be. The bugmen are making a crypto yuan of course. But what will the Dollar be? Will it be backed? I kinda hope to see a crypto/cash system backed by metals with a window at the post office or whatever.

Anonymous ID: 8e5044 Aug. 24, 2020, 9:47 p.m. No.10410493   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Why are you here then? Honest question. I don't hang out in satanist forums or communist forums jobbering about how The Dark Lord is definitely not coming back to make us … into whateverthefuck they want to happen… Nor do I sit around on commie boards talking about how one day I will work on a communal farm as a hand laborer happily taking only what I need and contributing what I can to the utopia after this next and last purge… just like I did in the previous purge…


My point is that you being here is some real proof that what is happening here is very important and extremely likely to be happening as this board believes it is happening.


Thankyou for coming here and bolstering our spirits and letting us know we are making a huge difference… so big that someone will pay you to come here and tell us we are not.