Anonymous ID: 4fd96b Aug. 24, 2020, 10:40 p.m. No.10410846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0973


When do police begin arresting government officials they know to be endangering the lives of citizens or otherwise conspiring to undermine justice?


This is why I do not back the blue and have to suppress the urge to ree every time people start doing the whole police worship thing.

They are supposed to be the vanguards of domestic society and law.

Yet how many of them gladly chucked people in jail over masks and being outside… And allowed criminals to be released onto the street?


At this point, we are better off getting rid of the police entirely and letting justice go back to mob rule. It would better serve the interest of the public and justice than the mockery of a system we have at the moment.

Case in point, if we were to show up to one of these riots to actively engage and drive off the rioters - we would end up in jail over assault and murder charges at the least.

Meanwhile the rioters do whatever they want and the political.cast thumb their nose.


My vote is for the fucking meteor at this point.