Anonymous ID: 7eecbc Aug. 24, 2020, 10:14 p.m. No.10410677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10410042 >>10410299

>>10410212 >>10409919

[2] “The patients who were dead on arrival had gone into cardiac arrest due to blood concentrations of fentanyl that were much higher than what is administered therapeutically. “ Patients who died in hospital had concentrations of 9.5 ng/mL to 13 ng/mL. See also note [13]. In other studies of death from heroin and morphine, there were deaths from only 100 ng/ml of morphine and “all cases with a blood concentration of 200 ng/ml and more of free morphine displayed a fatal outcome.” (Heroin quickly metabolizes into morphine.) Fentanyl is considered 100 times more potent than morphine. By this comparison, Floyd’s blood fentanyl concentration could have been 10 times the fatal level. In addition his morphine concentration of 86 ng/mL would usually be fatal by itself.

Concentration levels are relative to the volume of blood, so are independent of body size.

[3] A report commissioned by the Floyd family stated that asphyxiation from sustained pressure was consistent with the evidence, but the author Michael Baden didn’t have access to all the evidence, and chose not to endorse his opinion with the “expert opinion” label.

[4] The knee on the neck is a body hold, not a chokehold or carotid restraint, which involves putting pressure precisely on both carotid arteries, located on either side of the throat. A carotid restraint is usually applied by an elbow, and causes the subject to pass out in as little as 15 seconds. Blocking the arteries does not stop the breathing or heartbeat (pulmonary or cardiac arrest), which Floyd suffered after being restrained for many minutes. Once pressure on the arteries is released, the subject normally regains consciousness quickly.

[9] See also the decision by the Ninth Circuit Court, “[t]he problems posed by, and thus the tactics to be employed against, an unarmed, emotionally distraught individual who is creating a disturbance or resisting arrest are ordinarily different from those involved in law enforcement efforts to subdue an armed and dangerous criminal who has recently committed a serious offense.” in “Explaining the Unexplainable: Excited Delirium Syndrome and Its Impact on the Objective Reasonableness Standard for Allegations of Excessive Force,” The first few pages relate a narrative similar to the Floyd case, involving multiple police subduing a violent EXD victim, who suddenly dies from exhaustion. A media uproar then arises against alleged police brutality.

[12] TV news clips showing police restraining subjects who are exhibiting EXD symptoms and violently resisting arrest

Floyd already complained he couldn’t breathe before they tried to get him into the police car, without any neck restraint, indicating the onset of respiratory depression from fentanyl.

He also fell down twice, which could be seen either as a sign of intoxication or resisting arrest. The officers knew it was a drug overdose, as Thao told bystanders, “This is why you don’t do drugs, kids.”

In most cases, the cause of death is either ‘a heart attack or, less frequently, respiratory failure.’ Dr. Vincent Di Maio estimated that Excited Delirium Syndrome kills 800 people every year in police altercations because the victims “are just overexciting [their] heart from the drugs and from the struggle.’” Op. cit.

Anonymous ID: 7eecbc Aug. 24, 2020, 11:23 p.m. No.10411123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1127 >>1143

Career criminal and addict, George Floyd killed himself and no one else is to blame.

The officers will get an acquittal, Ellison botched the entire case on purpose for more riots right before the election to suppress voter turn out at the polls. I'm also betting that the riots will also target the US Postal office distribution centers in highly republican areas but in states with Democrat Governors & majority.