Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 10:17 p.m. No.10410702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0720 >>0740 >>0768 >>0832

FDA commissioner disputes Trump, says no 'deep state' elements delaying vaccine


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is not made up of “deep state” elements that are trying to delay a coronavirus vaccine as President Donald Trump has suggested, the agency’s commissioner told Reuters on Monday. Dr. Stephen Hahn said he was completely confident that the FDA’s workers were focused solely on the good of the American public. Without evidence, Trump on Saturday accused members of the so-called “deep state” at the FDA of working to slow testing of COVID-19 vaccines until after the Nov. 3 presidential election. “I have not seen anything that I would consider to be ‘deep state’ at the FDA,” Hahn told Reuters in an interview.


Hahn said had a solid relationship with Trump, a Republican whose re-election chances in November have been dampened by public discontent over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. “I enjoy a very good relationship with the president and I have discussed our decisions with him, and I feel very comfortable and continue to feel comfortable with that relationship,” Hahn said. Hahn said a recent FDA decision to authorize a coronavirus treatment that uses blood plasma from recovered patients was not done because of political pressure, and he said he would not let such pressure influence a decision about a future COVID-19 vaccine. “I will not participate in a decision at FDA that’s made upon anything other than data and science. That I can assure you,” he said.

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 10:27 p.m. No.10410776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0791 >>0792 >>0832

U.S., China reaffirm commitment to Phase 1 trade deal after call


Top U.S. and Chinese trade officials reaffirmed their commitment to the Phase 1 trade deal that has seen China lagging on its obligations to buy American goods, providing much needed relief to nervous markets on Tuesday. The pledge was made in a phone call between U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He - their first formal dialogue since early May and came amid growing concerns the deal could be on shaky ground in an increasingly confrontational bilateral relationship. “Both sides see progress and are committed to taking the steps necessary to ensure the success of the agreement,” the U.S. Trade Representative’s office (USTR) said in a statement after what it described as a “regularly scheduled call”.


The call was originally expected on Aug. 15, six months after the trade deal was launched. But Trump, who has frequently expressed anger at China over the coronavirus pandemic, said last week he had postponed talks with China because “I don’t want to deal with them now.” Washington and Beijing have traded sanctions and barbs over a growing list of issues including the new national security law imposed on Hong Kong, China’s disputed territorial claims in the South China Sea, the COVID-19 pandemic and U.S. accusations of national security threats posed by Chinese tech firms. China’s commerce ministry confirmed that the two countries had a “constructive dialogue” and agreed to continue pushing forward the implementation of the Phase 1 trade deal. The USTR said the two sides “addressed steps that China has taken to effectuate structural changes” on issues including protecting intellectual property rights, removing impediments for U.S. firms in the financial services and agriculture sectors and eliminate forced technology transfers. “The parties also discussed the significant increases in purchases of U.S. products by China as well as future actions needed to implement the agreement,” it said. News of the call helped lift Asian stocks. “U.S.-China talks are bullish for most commodities as Trump is desperate for good news to help in the election,” said Ole Houe, director of advisory services at agriculture brokerage IKON Commodities in Sydney. “It could lead to higher demand for U.S. products.”

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 10:30 p.m. No.10410794   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Propaganda..was legalized by Obama near the end of his term..God only knows what his intent was. But to that end..make good use of it while it's here so stays to allow MSM and the non journalist-journalists out themselves for who they are and what they represent.

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 10:32 p.m. No.10410806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0817



Agree, by the time the US is done with the ones that are here and what happens in China with those over can only imagine, there will be far moar than pitch forks to deal with for the CCP, the end is closing in on them.

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 10:42 p.m. No.10410858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0881 >>0964

Quotes from court hearings for New Zealand mosque shooter


The gunman who killed 51 Muslim worshippers in New Zealand’s worst mass shooting faces a life prison term, possibly without parole, with multi-day sentencing hearings taking place this week. Brenton Tarrant, an Australian, has pleaded guilty to 51 murder charges, 40 charges of attempted murder and one charge of committing a terrorist act. High Court judge Cameron Mander will hear about 66 victim impact statements, according to the court. The second day of hearings on Tuesday is dedicated to allowing survivors and family members of victims to address the court, in person and via video.


Tuesday’s court proceedings:

IBRAHIM MOHAMED ABDELHALIM - IMAM OF LINWOOD ISLAMIC CENTRE “The actions of the defendant have affected not only our community, but all of New Zealand. I feel the actions of the defendant are a terrorist act and a racist act. I believe he has acted as the far right, or extreme right, which I am totally against.” “New Zealand gave my family a home 24 years ago. I do not accept the defendant’s actions against people he did not know. Fighting and killing people does not achieve anything and is not in Islamic thinking. We will need to talk, understand and ask questions to remove confusion.”


“Naeem died trying to save others and his act of bravery is something his sons will always feel proud for. His death was a reflection of his life.” “Since my husband and son passed away I have never had a proper normal sleep. I don’t think I ever will. That is why his punishment should continue forever. No one ever stopped him from going to the mosque. He was greeted with hello brother when he entered the mosque.”


“You robbed me of my mother, of her love and strength. Likely you will also never again feel the love and warmth of your mother’s hug either. While I have pity for your mum, I have no emotion for you. You are nothing.” “While he will remain trapped in a cage, my mum’s free. I therefore challenge Tarrant to use his remaining lifetime to consider the beauty and life to be found in diversity and freedom that he sought to distort and destroy.”



“I want you to understand my utter rage when I learnt this man was a guest to New Zealand. This man is not one of us, but that didn’t stop him from slaughtering us. He entered into our home with ill intentions and hate in his heart, only to repay our hospitality by murdering our family and our guests, people who we welcome into this country with the promise of a better life. He stole that safety and security from them, just as he stole our nation’s innocence.” “He immigrated to a land that my family called home for seven generations, and killed our loved ones in cold blood. And for what? He had no issue with Linda Armstrong. Filled with his own racist agenda this coward hid behind his big powerful guns and shot little old Linda from afar.”


“Because I was from Afghanistan…people were calling me a terrorist. But you took that name from me. Today, you are called terrorist and you proved to the world that us Muslims are not terrorists. I say to the people of New Zealand that terrorists do not have religion, race and colour. We are not terrorists.”


“You live like a rat and you deserve that. You are going to die alone like a virus everybody avoids. The fair punishment for him would be death penalty. I know in New Zealand law they removed death penalty for humans, but unfortunately he’s not a human.”


“I want you not to let this man see the sun. Never, ever. We don’t want him to get parole. This man has to stay in prison forever. He’s not showing any remorse…look at him.”

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 10:52 p.m. No.10410924   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Remember when this took place, how does anyone fight against something so disturbingly corrupt..and yet are New Zealanders's awake enough to know what's happening, that they are being duped, with all of these FFs.

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:14 p.m. No.10411076   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>You actually believe this is real?


>It was propaganda then, and yet again


>Anyone at the trial?


Hmm, Did I say that? Don't recall a statement even remotely close to that. The fact of the matter is this was an event that was posted on FB live, in turn DS tried to put the blame on this board for promoting this. This article states where things are now, we all knew it was a FF then, but the DS being who they are have to follow their script. New Zealander's need to wake up and stop these people from doing what they are doing them, or they will never be free of the enslavement that has been planned for them.

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:27 p.m. No.10411135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1147 >>1157 >>1240

Russian-backed organizations amplifying QAnon conspiracy theories, researchers say


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Russian government-supported organizations are playing a small but increasing role amplifying conspiracy theories promoted by QAnon, raising concerns of interference in the November U.S. election. Academics who study QAnon said there were no signs Russia had a hand in the early days of the movement, which launched in 2017 with anonymous web postings amplified by YouTube videos. But as QAnon gained adherents and took on new topics - with President Donald Trump as the constant hero waging a misunderstood battle - social media accounts tied to a key Kremlin ally joined in. In 2019, accounts removed by Twitter and suspected of being controlled by Russia’s Internet Research Agency sent a high volume of tweets tagged with #QAnon and the movement slogan #WWG1WGA, short for Where We Go One, We Go All, said Melanie Smith, head of analysis at social media analysis firm Graphika. The IRA was indicted by Robert Mueller in his election interference prosecution.


More recently, Russian government-backed media and Sputnik have stepped up coverage of QAnon, which began with a false proclamation Hillary Clinton would be arrested for an undetermined reason and now includes theories about child trafficking by Hollywood elites, the novel coronavirus and more. Alethea Group disinformation expert Cindy Otis, a former CIA analyst, said RT, Sputnik and other Kremlin-backed media have been writing more about QAnon, using it to fit into their broader narrative of: “The U.S. is falling apart, look how much division there is.” After Twitter banned thousands of QAnon accounts last month, predicted the move would backfire by directing more attention to the cause, adding that “it gave QAnon followers the validation they craved.” Last week, it ran a similar article after Facebook removed about a third of QAnon groups and restricted the other two-thirds. RT’s story began: “Facebook has removed thousands of groups and pages related to the QAnon conspiracy after expanding its concept of ‘dangerous individuals’ to include those who merely ‘celebrate violent acts.’ Streisand effect, meet slippery slope.” The Streisand effect refers to when singer Barbra Streisand sued to get photos of her Malibu, California, home removed from the internet, only to win them more viewers.


The articles have fallen short of full-throated support, and others have been critical. But they cast QAnon as channeling legitimate outrage. QAnon followers have taken note and begun to share more content from the Russian outlets, according to Graphika. In a report released late Monday, it said the QAnon accounts it tracked had posted material from 69 other websites more often than RT stories in 2018. By earlier this year, RT was the 23rd most commonly shared site in the community. In the month ended Aug. 20, it had climbed to No. 12. “Though Russia is only one foreign actor capable of targeting US political audiences through the QAnon community, its history of operations appear to be the most ideologically aligned with the overarching QAnon theory,” the report said. “Russia also appears to have made the most effort to gain credibility within the community thus far.” QAnon was named by the FBI as a potential instigator of domestic terrorism, and followers have been charged with making a terror threat, murder and other crimes. Russia is actively interfering with the campaign season in other ways, the government’s top counter-intelligence official said recently, including by disseminating false stories about Joe Biden in Ukraine. Democrats are pressing for the public release of more instances.


Researchers at Graphika, Stanford University and elsewhere stressed that QAnon for now remains a largely domestic phenomenon. Facebook took down two QAnon networks for coordinated artificial behavior, before its new content restrictions, and neither had Russian connections. But tracking QAnon has become increasingly tough, Graphika’s Smith said. QAnon backers have moved heavily into other social media groups, helping to organize real-life protests against child trafficking last weekend and getting involved in a pro-police demonstration in Portland that degenerated into violence. “It’s very difficult to understand what a QAnon account is, versus a Trump supporter’s account versus an anti-vaxxer,” Smith said.

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:32 p.m. No.10411156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1165



Indeed. Interesting statement was in the beginning..A group of Academics studying Q, kek! As if they really have any clue at all..but there again, are the credentials!

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.10411225   🗄️.is 🔗kun



China isn't every chinese.


could the same asertion be made of every american abroad?


Who owns China?


Who Really owns China?


Who stuck around after the opium wars?


These statement were NOT part of mine..obvious that China is NOT every Chinese, never implied it. Don't imply another's words unless you under stand context of a convo.

Anonymous ID: b35621 Aug. 24, 2020, 11:55 p.m. No.10411242   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Иван! Они утверждают, что мы снова манипулируем Q. Принеси мне водки, которую мы приготовили из попкорна.


That's fantastic, kek