Anonymous ID: 4bbb5d Aug. 25, 2020, 2:28 a.m. No.10411798   🗄️.is 🔗kun


libatard motto, "never let a good crisis go to waste" All the liberal propaganda media has to do is all hint of an acquittal (make it convincing enough on all MSM channels and social media sites...the douchebag demshit Walz, Ellison & Frey will incite the riots....they don't just have one faceted's an assortment of of fronts, back up plans.

Anonymous ID: 4bbb5d Aug. 25, 2020, 3:06 a.m. No.10411910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1930 >>1941 >>1996


Defund=Demolish=Abolish=Dismantle=Eliminate....which was the result, basically the same thing because the former Germany Police force was permanently Dismantled....through riots, violence, murder, etc.


Yes, Hitler made it larger after slaughtering the former established Police Force that were anti-socialist workers party, anti-nazis...basically the ones that threw Hitler in prison & and made "shot in the groin" Goering leave the country in fear for his life.


The demarxislamicpedo party that want to rewrite their history, erase our actual history are not going to use the same terminology, but they are using the same plays out of that particular playbook.


In fact, history is repeating itself just as the gestapo put a halt to the Brown Shirts' greed for power....


Pantifa, Black Fecal Matter & other islamic/marxist misfit psychopaths are also starting to eat their own. They see their Democrat Governors, Mayors as THE WEAK, SPINELESS, BRAINLESS COWARDS THAT THEY ACTUALLY ARE....but the douchebag D. Governors & Mayors will use who & whatever mean available to them, to take out the treat when the time comes...useful idiots.


They're not limiting their playbook just to marxism/communist...just like Hitler also had islamic SS troops to wipe out the Armenians.


**Demwit Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, 'I have a right to make sure that my home is secure': Chicago bans protesters from mayor's block!~~Aug 20, 2020


**Demwit Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto Says Protest Outside His House ‘Crosses a Line’~~August 21, 2020


**Demwit Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler having spent his whole career as mayor catering to left-wing extremists, got a brutal wake up call by his own "so called peaceful protestors aka Antifa" calling him a F-g Faist. Antifa also brought a guillotine to the riot, along with a teddy bear to symbolize Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler.


Brownshirts of Nazi Germany:

Article states, in their opinion we witnessing a rising similarity to The SA of Hitler’s Nazi Germany.


The SA — Sturmabteilung, meaning ‘assault division’ — also known as the Brownshirts or Storm Troopers, was a violent paramilitary group attached to the Nazi Party in pre-World War Two Germany.


The “Bullies” of the New Left are groups like Antifa, BLM and others. It has been exceedingly clear. Their violence and rioting has gone unabated in cities governed by far leftists mayors and governors. They are, in essence, the enforcers – the intimidators – the agitators for New Left ideals, goals and aspirations.


In fact when attempts are made to quell or disparage said violence and chaos from these groups it is met with ridicule, resistance, and condemnation from their backers.


Clearly pre-planned, organized and funded. Recent (embedded) rioting all around the country. They just wait for opportunity to disrupt. In this instance, the death of George Floyd was the catalyst. It has happened systematically over recent years. An organized disrupting force opposed to existing law-and-order, the Police and anyone who supports them.


Anti-police sentiment among the public is growing. Focused sensationalism from their mainstream backers – the news media. It fuels the new “Brownshirts” and the mission.


Shockingly we are now hearing talk of de-funding “dismantling” "eliminate" the Police in some cities! (Minneapolis) Same thing!

Several members of the Minneapolis City Council this week have expressed support for radical changes to how the city handles law enforcement, including a move to “dismantle” the police department and replace it with “a transformative new model for public safety.”

Minneapolis City Council members aim to ‘dismantle’ police department


It has been quite apparent to author that today’s “left” is quite a bit different from the left of old. Decades ago. “The left” from many decades ago would be considered far right today in comparison. So I sometimes call today’s left “the New Left”. They are generally quite anti-American (traditional values, Constitution, law-and-order). They more accurately (in my opinion) represent Socialism, Marxism, even Communism). Globalists control them. They wish to bring down America (we’re standing in the way of one world rule).

Anonymous ID: 4bbb5d Aug. 25, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.10411933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1938 >>1996

Part One


-Hillary Clinton labeled the peaceful protesters in state capitals wanting their businesses to reopen as "domestic terrorists." Yet, for the last four days, she has not labeled as terrorists those who are looting, rioting, destroying property, attacking police officers, and committing arson in our cities. I guess "terrorism" is in the eye of the beholder: regular citizens are, for Clinton et al., terrorists when demanding constitutional rights, whereas left-wing anarchists are upstanding citizens if anti-Trump. Protesting on behalf of worshiping in church is something "deplorables" do; blaming America is something "sophisticated" people do. Hillary and friends have a different, and rather sick, value system.


-The mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, is more concerned about police overacting against rioters than the destruction and looting rioters are causing in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey is so immersed in feelings of guilt and kinship for protesters that he is neglecting his duty to the citizens of his city as mayor, standing by while it is destroyed. Liberal mayors of many major cities are not doing their job to protect citizens because deep down, they must empathize or identify with the rioters. It is the typical liberal mindset that places more concern for criminals and violent revolutionaries than for law-abiding, innocent citizens.


-These are no longer protesters, but rioters who simply want to loot, burn, and destroy and have found an excuse to do so. The lust for destruction is a demon that must be vanquished as opposed to supported in the name of "social justice."


-Antifa and other left-wing organizations are highly involved in the burning down of America we are witnessing. Antifa is a perpetual underground strike force ready to pounce the minute there is a "social justice" problem in an American city. These are Marxist Brown Shirts funded by ideologues who wish to overthrow America and replace it with them at the helm. They want to take away our liberties and our economic well-being. They hate America and its people. They are the real fascists, prodded by the media and Democrat politicians who give them a pass in the name of "social justice."


-The rioters are destroying America's historic buildings and statues as a way to destroy American history and brainwash Americans into being ashamed of our past, thereby replacing our system of governance with a socialist/Marxist authority.


-Indications, that among the leftist groups, there may well be Middle East terrorist sympathizers. Some reports claim that groups from Pakistan and Afghanistan are engineering some of the riots.


-The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is wrong when it says racism is systemic to America and its institutions. That is a purposeful falsehood promoted by the ADL to brainwash Americans into believing that our country is not good and must acquiesce, in perpetual repentance, to the left-wing agenda of the intersectional grievance-mongers. The truth is, America was horrified by what was done to George Floyd. The president immediately brought in the FBI. Attorney General Barr quickly announced a federal civil rights probe into George Floyd's death. The justice system arrested the policeman and has charged him.


The American people are not institutionally and systemically racist. There are individuals who are, but not the country as a whole. It is the ADL that is expressing bigotry against the good citizens of this country by claiming that our country is systemically racist. The ADL is now run by hard-left ideologues.

Anonymous ID: 4bbb5d Aug. 25, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.10411938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1996


Part Two


The vast majority of the American people were initially supportive of the original protesters and understood their anger. This outpouring from Americans contravenes the ADL's irresponsible claim that America is a racist country. Only now that the protests have become destructive riots have people become disenchanted by what they are seeing.


  • Many mayors and governors who for the last two months flexed their authoritarian muscles by threatening innocent shop-owners with imprisonment for wishing to make a living are now engaging in acts of cowardice and betrayal, allowing those who are destroying private property to go unpunished and un-threatened and, at times, even supporting the lawbreakers. The foolish, guilt-ridden mayor of Minneapolis has even offered them coronavirus masks for protection while they rampage through the city's streets. Funny how he doesn't offer protection to the citizens he is supposed to safeguard.


-The daughter of Ilhan Omar and the daughter of the Governor of Minnesota, and the son of its attorney general, tweet offers of help to the rioters. Many of the rioters are themselves middle-class and white, youngsters of great privilege. Who has poisoned these young people to so hate their country and the freedoms we all share? Who has poisoned them to want to overthrow America?

Anonymous ID: 4bbb5d Aug. 25, 2020, 3:22 a.m. No.10411952   🗄️.is 🔗kun



ThankQ, They just use multiple playbooks and each move is multi-faceted


PS…when every fact-checker, liberal media source comes out either refuting or removing it…and all their sources just focus on the "defunding" part of the meme…not their plans to eliminate the police.