Fag. Only fags calls them fathers to pets. Pitcher or catcher? Probably pedo pitcher.
Jew tribe heeb.
Fag. Only fags calls them fathers to pets. Pitcher or catcher? Probably pedo pitcher.
Jew tribe heeb.
Faggot raping boys have a risk of turning the boy into a faggot sodomite when grown up. Also pedophile.
It's an old jew game.
Who Is At Risk for DID?
Research indicates that the cause of DID is likely a psychological response to interpersonal and environmental stresses, particularly during early childhood years when emotional neglect or abuse may interfere with personality development. As many as 99% of individuals who develop dissociative disorders have recognized personal histories of recurring, overpowering, and often life-threatening disturbances or traumas at a sensitive developmental stage of childhood (usually before age 6).
It's always an heeb in the picture. I think Ray Chandler was abducted from somewhere eastern europe.
The jew might just want to wish happy birthday because his heeb spook friends used to rape Ray when she was a little girl.