Anonymous ID: 3006c7 Aug. 25, 2020, 5:51 a.m. No.10412538   🗄️.is 🔗kun



God willing, you are right. And if we should be so graced as to re-elect POTUS DJT AND win back the house AND keep the senate by an even wider majority, we must not rest on our laurels for even a second.


Coming up in droves that outnumber those of us who are old enough to have received a balanced public school education, are young people who have been seemingly hopelessly indoctrinated into radical Marxist/Communistic/Socialist ideologies and they are on a mission at their masters' biddings to destroy the greatest country in the world.


We MUST actively pursue these young and upcoming voters and somehow, someway, De-PROGRAM them and inspire in them to serve instead the ideals as outlined for and by We. The. People. in the United States Constitution.


>Drops Mic.