Anonymous ID: 3d27b0 What about Branson? Aug. 25, 2020, 5:08 a.m. No.10412356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2442



Why aren't we looking at other targets…. perhaps someone that is nearby but also has 'Nymph' Submarines….. Does Branson have more of a role in this??


Necker Nymph: underwater flying becomes Virgin territory

By Noel McKeegan

February 01, 2010


It seems that Sir Richard Branson's quest to conquer unexplored frontiers isn't limited to space tourism.The Virgin boss's latest acquisition is a DeepFlight three-person aero submarine that "flies" through the briny deep using the positive buoyancy system developed by Graham Hawkes of Hawkes Ocean Technologies.


First unveiled by Hawkes Ocean Technologies (HOT) in the late 1990s, DeepFlight submersibles don't use ballast to sink in the water, instead relying on the "negative lift" created by the wings to dive beneath the waves.


The Necker Nymph (developed under the name DeepFlight Merlin) is perhaps better seen as an extension of scuba diving than a personal submarine - its "open top" design means occupants wear a face mask connected to tanks and regulators mounted inside the craft and can enjoy the freedom of "near-ideal 360-degree viewing" from a recumbent seating position. The "wind shields" in the three-seater design aren't redundant though - they remove the pressure of slipstream to deliver speed and ranges that would not otherwise be possible without enclosing the pilots.