Anonymous ID: ce3b55 Australian Trucker removed from home by Police for forced quarantine Aug. 25, 2020, 4:13 a.m. No.10412168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2210

Australian trucker SWAT teamed at home:


Returning from Victoria to Perth, was stopped, asked to take a #COVID1984 test. He declined, departed.


Received a letter, wherein a Karen (!) threatens $20,000 fine or "reasonable force" to ensure compliance.


"You are being given this DIRECTION because I suspect you of having COVID-19.


"REASONABLE FORCE if you do not comply with our DIRECTION."


"emergency officer authorized to exercise emergency powers"


The trucker was nonplussed by this unlawful threat.


Days later, Perth police scaled his backyard fence, forcibly entered through front- & back-door simultaneously. They arrested him under duress, took him to a hotel, and provided a 2nd letter DIRECTING him to stay.


This time it is imprisonment for 12-months / $50,000.


EVERYONE needs to see THIS & appreciate sheer flex of authoritarian power - there are fluff pieces about the "hotel quarantine experience" but this is reality.