Anonymous ID: fd849d Aug. 25, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.10412250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2447


Anonfiles backup location of Mouthy Buddha's Pedogate 2020 Part 3:

Anonymous ID: fd849d Aug. 25, 2020, 5:43 a.m. No.10412499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2779


@POTUS has stated himself that he also loves beautiful women; anons can see that for themselves in @POTUS' past marriages. The personal details of his previous marriages are his business, and his reasons for "moving on", so to speak, are his and his former wives' alone. The distinction between him and, say, Epstein, really does boil down to motivations. Epstein sought out underage victims to expand an empire of blackmail, corruption, and furtherance of abuse of children to keep that empire growing. @POTUS used what he knew to get "close" to those directly involved, with the hopes that he could, one day, take them all down.


Any red-blooded male with an avg or higher testosterone level can attest to being attracted to females. Guess what? Females are attracted to males, too. It's human nature. It's how we're programmed right out of the gate. It's why we keep making more people. That nature/programming, when tempered with an understanding of what it takes to keep society cooperative and thriving, and yes, the right woman/man, makes for a productive, loving, caring, and nurturing family. The gift of life is given to us, to pass on to future generations.


The sickos we're tracking down are on another plane of existence with their thoughts/feelings. They've abandoned self-sacrifice and betterment of humanity. Their life's goal is to reshape societal norms to make people more sheep-like, so that our children can be lead to the slaughter; feeding their predatory behaviors. These sick people are a scourge.


Remember, @POTUS had the fortunate circumstance of being introduced to, and associating with Roy Cohn. Someone as brilliant and curious as @POTUS would likely have learned "how the world really works" early on in his career. Take a look at the pics and ask yourself a really important question:

"Would @POTUS have known about all this blackmail way back then?"


What if someone with a good heart, like @POTUS, managed to get himself into a position of power such as the Oval Office? What would he do with that power? Would he spend his life studying law, amassing as much knowledge as possible to rid this earth of the evil we see, or would he just say "Fuck it", and go along with the game. Had he chosen the latter, there wouldn't be a Q, or a movement. There'd be some of us having conversations on /pol/, still, talking about what we've seen/heard, and it would all get pushed to the side and labeled conspiracy nonsense. Some of us would likely end up dead if we got too close to the truth.


To help you understand which it is, here is a list of @POTUS' accomplishments/accolades (look at those law degrees):


"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" is true. But as we've learned here and other places we do research, there are those that have been given unto a reprobate mind long ago, and these people have been the power brokers of the world for centuries. @POTUS is not one of these people. Not by a long shot. If you believe in the Bible, you know the story of David. He was a liar, adulterer, murderer, and power hungry humanist for a time in his life. He also turned that completely around after the death of his first born with Bathsheba. Many speculate is his the author of the Psalms.


If you don't believe in the Bible, you have to ask yourself a simple question:

Why would @POTUS use the full power of the office of the President of the United States of America if it meant that, eventually, even he would be implicated in these scandals? If he knew it was going to take him down, too, he wouldn't. Self-preservation is the strongest of all instincts, and ripping the lid off of what we're learning would be suicide. The logical conclusion, then, is that while @POTUS might not be perfect, he definitely is the perfect man for the job, hands down.

Anonymous ID: fd849d Aug. 25, 2020, 5:55 a.m. No.10412558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He was forced to edit to keep the videos online. The originals pointed very direct fingers at Alefantis, Podestas, and others. Watch them, and decide for yourself. Nobody here is trying to "convince" anyone of anything in particular. We present information, and discuss it.

Anonymous ID: fd849d Aug. 25, 2020, 5:57 a.m. No.10412569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2572


It might be that getting her out of her current environment is precisely what she needs to keep her safe. Consider everyone has ulterior motives; including George and Kelleyanne.