The bread or the Claudia video?
In all cerealness it does that to me sometimes, too.
Yeah, it was a great Day 1.
I'm just now getting my hearing back after someone who shall go nameless' speech.
He's so much better at speechmaking now than he was back in '16 so he's got that going for him.
In my mostly blue neighborhood there were mostly Bernie signs still up heading up to the election in '16.
Now it's mostly sign free except for 1 house that has a support Mail-In Ballots sign go figure.
>same here in Kenosha
Are you locals pissed?
Pissed enough to hound the mayor to get off his/her ass and do something?
Sweet - thanks for the anecdote, Anon.
Excellent - keep up the good fight, Anon.
>This was invented in 2009
The anthem has been played prior to every sporting event for much longer than that, Anon.
That part is true, but drop the anthem only since '09 part so anyone reading it that knows better won't dismiss your other valid points as being F&G, too.
Gives a whole new meaning to Sit On It now doesn't it?
kek yeah as soon as I hit enter it hit me - prolly some podunk town named that - well played, Anon.
>He's not ready.
I agree, but he is much better at public speaking now than he was in '16.
He was so woodenly cringe back then.
I wonder what multiplier we should use to factor in lurkers that would give a good guestimate for total eyeballs.