They're dead to me, a few years agoโฆ..
Ole Mel was glorifying the figure of the Vatican "Mary", based on a medieval Roman Catholic mystic(s). It has enough to disguise it as if it were true, but when compared to the real thing, a counterfeit.
See? They had hypnotized many to keep from doing what they should be doing. They've been softening their targets, starting with men for the most part. And they made big bucks while doing it, plus all the human trafficking that occurs during that big game at the end of the season.
That doesn't wash. The Nicene Council didn't have every document in existence. The fact that all the documents were spread far and wide actually prevented any scheme of falsity. And there was more than simply the Narrative of Matthew.
Whatever differences there may have been, however, they were inconsequential, not changing any portion of the Doctrine.
The faultiness in this is that the Nicene Council didn't exist when the Apostles, including Paul, left their written testimony in every congregation they established throughout the world in which they all traveled. The Nicene Council, regardless of how many copies they may have had, could not possibly have collected all those documents. Had they even been physically capable of doing so, the members of the Nicene Council weren't recognized as a final authority by every congregation holding those precious documents, and would not have given them up.
As to the "murder weapon" being a symbol, that isn't the symbol of Christianity. That is an idolatrous image used mostly by apostates, and also by ignorance on the part of many others.
The Vatican is not Christian. It is a counterfeit of Christianity with a counterfeit Christ. For them, showing Christ in his death throes is central to their actual religion for their need of a "perpetual victim" of death.
As for the death of Christ, which He Himself did willingly, it was the payment for the sins of His people for whom He took their place. Any good leader of any number of people, will willingly sacrifice his own life to save them. The Law is, The wages of sin is death. The first Adam sinned, but a pure sacrifice, untouched by sin, was the only acceptable sacrifice for sin. For this reason, God the Word Himself was ordained to be made flesh to provide that sacrifice for the salvation of His people.
But even while they were for the most part still living, it was translated into Greek for preaching to the mostly Greek speaking world to which they traveled, especially Paul the Apostle. Besides that, Matthew, as the average Jew in Israel, spoke Aramaic. Not many knew actual Hebrew.
As for Matthew's vocation, that may have been true before he followed Christ, but when Christ called him to follow Him, Matthew left that vocation behind, in the dust. Therefore, that argument (and for whatever reason you bring this up) is irrelevant.
The Nicene Council didn't have all there was, and what we have didn't come from only from what the Nicene Council had.
The ole switcheroo trick, giving a list of reasonable aspirations, then attributing them to the exact person(s) destroying those very things. The arrogance is astounding, but not so much when one realizes or reminds oneself these demons/traitors are in high self-preservation mode. All stops are removed.
That would be your theory as to why he wrote it such. You have no idea why he did so anonymously. Of course, the average Jew had no clue as to Hebrew. They spoke Aramaic.
The Gentile looking "jesus" originated as a result of apostate "christianity" which made a false christ with another "gospel".
Regardless, even if a true depiction of the true Christ were presented, it would still be idolatrous and disobedient to the curse against the making of religious imagery. In fact, the central use of imagery is one of the things revealing the apostates.
Children do that sort of thing. They want to be something relative to things related to that something. For instance, if boys like cars and trucks and a girl happens to like cars and trucks, she may view herself as being a "boy". While it is true it has utterly nothing to do with sex, but with what that gender is connected rather than what the gender is, this doesn't need to be pandered to.
The girl could be just as well encouraged in her like of cars and trucks without becoming a "body". One is not dependent upon the other.
But EVIL people will grasp exploit the child and the opportunity to disrupt society.