how odd it is then that I can see…
ONE Biden sign…ONE in my whole neighborhood
this is in a 20k pop Mass town which IS in fact, a 50/50 dem / rep town
500 homes in my neighborhood
1 biden sign
6 hate has no home signs
1 any functioning adult 2020
there are more NEW Old Glory flying than Biden signs.
>chock full of old glory
two guys on my very road have put up flag poles! yes and anon has noticed a number of NEW Old Glories on old house poles, and some new as well
here is a real stunner -
about 5 mins walk down the hill is a house with two lesbians
large, round, 60s, white
now they have always had a classic selection of signs and no matter who is parked outside their
house they ALWAYS have the usual stickers
homosexual equality, warren, mcgovern, 'I brake for trees" etc.
they have NO SIGNS.
their personal vehicles are bereft of stickers.
their friends vehicles (they always have people over) are also sticker free
I go past their house twice per day
one of their immediate neighbours is 82nd veteran and we have chatted about them
interesting to observe the growing absence…
anon has installed a light to display my 3x5 Old Glory (nylon) at night. looks awesome. you can see it 1/4 mile away at night up or down the street.
also put army flag "this we'll defend" on a Sugar Maple that can be seen same distance.
loving it.
my neighbours are worth defending!
I think DJT will win Massachusetts.
Keep up the nightly bangs and booms please…
remind them all about what they are not suffering…but might….
sup, mohel?
anyone from law enforcement or the feds like to comment?
your SILENCE about all this, at this point, makes you fucking culpable
grow up "adult"
adults and cognitive dissonance
He doesn't call them back, does He?
He doesn't call them back BECAUSE they understand His meaning…perfectly.
>The empty cross is a reminder that the work of Christ is finished.
no, it really isn't.
the jews love you iconoclasts.
post hoc ergo propter hoc