BRED: 13324
So, decided to use my Land Navigation skills to perform a resection of the photos with the distances on the photos, which I’ve noticed posted intermittently for several months now. I haven’t seen or tracked anything associated with these posts. The two points resected from are 1: Liberty Island at 220 Miles at approximately 51 degrees. 2: Stonehenge at 3191 at approximately 287 degrees. The degrees are based off the lines on the photos respective to reference points intersected. Following these two lines, it points to Gloucester, Massachusetts, which is one of the oldest settlements in the U.S. This settlement’s members went on to Settle Salem, Massachusetts. This immediately ties to Witchcraft to most minds. Associated along these lines, there is a curious little place called the Commons, or known locally as “Dogtown”, known for Witchcraft. From Wiki: “Dogtown eventually became an embarrassment with its dwindled reputation, and some of its last occupants were suspected of practicing witchcraft. One such inhabitant named Thomazine "Tammy" Younger was described as "Queen of the Witches" by Thomas Dresser.” This town supposedly got its name from “Dogs kept by Wives of Soldiers” during the American Revolution. I’ve heard this term before, Dogs Kept by Wives”, and long story short (Search Zoophilia, Sodomy, Buggery), my personal experience related to this phrase, was the result of a 3-Star General’s Wife brought in by Ambulance from Bolling A.F.B. to the Malcolm Grow Hospital on Andrews A.F.B., “Locked-Up” with a large breed Dog, where the Doctors had to kill the dog to then cut the two apart. For those not versed in male dog anatomy, when they become aroused sexually, upon insertion, the base of their penis swells to form a large ball, which “Locks-Up” the, inside the female.
So, unfortunately, from this point on, keep this grotesque practice in mind. Further digging into the Queen Victoria and dogs, this led me to the Painter Edward Landseer, which painted many animal themed works. All I can say is dig into his paintings (Horses and Dogs with Women, White Rabbits, etc.) as there is much anthropomorphism and symbology mixed into them. When you mix animals and humans along these lines, the basest desire leads to Bestiality. Now remember, among the Royalty, incest was pretty common, from the Ancient Egyptians to Europe. This led to many genetic faults, ranging from physical deformities to insanity.
So far this is matching the “These People Are Sick” moniker. There are many ancient art forms, which depict Bestiality, such as 8000-year-old cave paintings, as well as Pindar, Herodotus, and Plutarch claiming the Egyptians “Engaged in Ritual Congress with Goats”. The Bible calls speaks about this in Leviticus 18:23 and call for death upon the person and the animal in 20:15-16. Michelangelo not only painted Religious Art, but check out his Leda and the Swan. Personally, I find all of this absolutely disgusting, but it is definitely part of history, witchcraft, and human behavior. So, with incest, and bestiality as arrows in the quivers of these sick people, it is a short jump to human children. Unhappy, unfulfilled sick people are never satisfied, and jump from one perversion to the next. More and more taboo they go until they literally move into Blood and Flesh at its most base physical form. They could’ve bypassed all of this with warming up a roast and making a hole. But there’s a different aspect to this behavior. It’s ignorance, sadism, communal, fucking Sickness of the Mind. In my opinion, these people need to be destroyed, and eliminated from the human gene pool, Period!