Helga Lovekaty. You're welcome.
Hey, lol; I age check, and sometimes it's fun to dig on something other than cabal stuff.
That smile is like:
If you are @Malinowski, then you might want to:
1.LURK FOR A BIT before posting. Learn where you are before start waiving your vienna sausage around.
I'd like to thank you for presenting the opportunity for all of Congress to clearly demonstrate which side of the CHILD TRAFFICKING issue they are on.
>And it didn't cost us not one nickel!
Recently nik'd from someone on twitter
>I'm an anon and my children are of the 'seed of Abraham' and Red Piled up the Matzoh Ball.
Shit; all the tribes of the descendants of Shem are in here; not just Judeans! Why would we be self-hating? That'd be a defeatist position to have. Anons like winning, instead.