I don't like what am seeing either, hope it's just smoke and mirrors
>Kevin McAleenan
he was the guy that gave credence to the fake news that the FBI considers Q followers domestic terrorists
Those cities said they don't need Trump's help, he is letting the world see them manage their own cities in chaos, the Democratic Party apocalyptic end game. I't necessary.
Kevin McAleenan was replaced by Trump after shitting on anons
Trump still has until the next year to leave White House if he loses regardless, this Al Gore shit is just rhetorical bullshit
As long as we actually win I don't care what they do, if they go all nuts it will the end of their party forever
I understand that point too, the big boys need to take back control sooner rather than later and lead
If dems don't accept the election results and go revolution then that gives Trump emergency powers. He can deconstruct everything they have ever done to this country and restore our republic.
a very good dodge