N3YJ is news chopper WLKY-32
N520AP is LMPD (Louisville Metro Police Department
Churchill Downs - Central Av area of interest.
N3YJ is news chopper WLKY-32
N520AP is LMPD (Louisville Metro Police Department
Churchill Downs - Central Av area of interest.
Get your mind outta the gutter they're eyes. kek
pf's are always happy to oblige.
Channel WLKY-32 TV news chopper up overhead.
Uk pf anon here, I don't know who they syndicate to.
Two more UPS flights departing Louisville heading westbound.
Noos choper current orbit.
Nix on the LMPD chopper prob still on the ground gassing up - crew changing.
LMPD last position Bowman Field 23 mins ago.
Squeezed off a bit early but you got nice digits for new bread.