Not a Loomer fan at all but this is a lame avenue of attack.
POTUS pics with Epstein ring a bell?
Not a Loomer fan at all but this is a lame avenue of attack.
POTUS pics with Epstein ring a bell?
Smells like a ferddy special tho.
yeah ferddy'll have a huge Ha Ha Dumbfucks harvest post somewhere around 500
Fair point, but is there more sauce than an event pic with Loomer?
I'll take a step back and look at some sauce if you have any.
>After your brain gets the shill detector upgrade you sit at the end of thread waiting for new posts.
That's oldfag enough for me.
That's so fucking tarded it's not even wrong.
r u human?
Begone bot!
>some of the old stuff like that you missed is prolly a good thing
I've never used it what's it like?
+50 is muh fren but haven't had to use that much lately either.
kek apparently you don't keep up with da habbenins either, Anon.
Fake ferddy if you see this make a special dumbfucks addendum for the end of the bread.