My, Our POTUS. Love and Respect this Man like no other. no homo
This piece of shit has got a lot of white in his supposed black ass.
Love that tongue Kellyanne!!!!
Whut? Where? kek Beautiful!!!
That kunt ain't even 1/4% black. That bitch is 100% white.
WTF is a Riggleman?
That ass sure as hell ain't!!! kek
Who is she?
How bout condemning the ANTIFA/BLM/Soros paid for anarchy and seditious uprising before you go all wanked on Q you FUCKTARD?
Well, she damn sure knows how to jiggle!!! Art in motion!!
More fucking true than we all know anon!!!
With what's going on all over the country? I'm thinking there is gett'n ready to be some dead motherfuckers in my front yard. That's what I'm thinking.