This is just another 4 year election - Churches are being closed and Liquor / Pot shops are open.
This is just another 4 year election - Our Urban areas are being burned down and looted.
This is just another 4 year election - LGBT is reading stories to our kids dressed as drag queens with gay men dancing in the street in their underwear for 'pride'.
This is just another 4 year election - College campus rapes are at the highest they've ever been and professors are getting arrested for assaulting people with bike locks in protests.
This is just another 4 year election - We have over 30 million people that have no legal standing that flooded into our Nation at the request of Democrats AND Rinos.
For anyone that tells you this is just another 4 year election, look around you at EVERYBODY wearing face masks under penalty of prosecution.
Have you figured it out yet? If Donald Trump isn't re-elected America as a Nation will CEASE TO EXIST. If they're doing ALL THIS while he's President think of what they'll do when he's not President.