Anonymous ID: d5151b Part I - Quick Summary of Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion Aug. 25, 2020, 10:32 p.m. No.10422415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2728

Attention All Fellow Christians! Read this Summary of the “The Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion”


If you have read the “The Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion”, available at the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) website you now realize that most “elite” Jews (Canaanites) are really worshippers of satan and derogatorily refer to us Christians as “Goyim”, “Sheep”, and “Cattle”. It is enough to make you ill. We Christian’s believe all men are created equal and still live by this Constitutional code of honor. Yet, the “Protocols” think differently. The “Protocols” provide the basis for the radical left’s current movement to take over the United States of America and implement a permanent socialist government throughout the world. The “Protocols” put the Jewish religion above all and then lead us down the path of devil worship.

As crazy as this sounds, it is true. They are doing it by manipulating us and our minds, turning us against one another, all while they sit back at watch it all happen. As a side note, it is important to understand that there are some Jewish people that do not subscribe to the “Protocols” agenda of hate. It is also important to note that some Jews are subscribing to the agenda of hate, and like us Christians, they are not even aware of it. They just blindly follow along.

If you haven’t read this “Protocols” document, we suggest that you do it immediately. You should also begin to research everything you read below. We Christian’s are not antisemitic. Never have been. We love all people. But we also know when to draw the line. That time has come to draw it.

The “Protocols” are the documents of the Jews (Canaanites), not ours. It is important to note, that these modern Jews (Canaanites) are not the Biblical Jews. There is no DNA relationship. These Jews (Canaanites) have highjacked that religion. You need to research this with a search engine that will not censor you. The full “Protocols” can be downloaded at the FBI website at this address:

If you have read it, you now realize (if you hadn’t already) that every aspect of our lives has been controlled by the “elite” fake Jews (Canaanites) for 3 primary reasons: to gain wealth and power; to keep us away from God (the true God in heaven above); and to provide more visibility, relevance, and to attempt to claim victory for their loser deity known as lucifer, satan, the devil, moloch, beezlebub or any other name that I, hereby as a Christian, rebuke. (Editor’s note: Never capitalize the name of any deity other than the Lord God in heaven).

We have broken this document into two sections, the first part is a summarized list of the protocols of these sick twisted elders that have led the Jewish religion for centuries. The second part is our response, as Christian’s, to these evil and ruthless people. If you haven’t noticed, we are in a holy war for the soul of the world so we urge you to share this letter with all Christians.


Do Not Hate

Finally, all Christians, as you read the summary of their “Protocols” below, do not let your heart be filled with hate and/or rage. That is what they want. That is what the devil wants. We as Christians simply need to be aware of their ugly agenda of hate and then use it to better our lives. In other words, we need to grow closer to God. If anything, these “Protocols” should serve as an example to us all as to how easily we can be manipulated away from God by the devil. The way you fight back this hate is not to hate others yourself. Rather, fight back by growing closer to Jesus and helping other fellow Christians remove themselves from this manipulation.

Part I - Summary of The Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion (Jewish Canaanites)

1 The Basic Doctrine – A grand plan to overtake Christians and other non-Jews in society by subversive power and dominance. Take morality out of the culture. Corrupt the governments. All Jews for one, and one for all Jews. For the goyim-cattle Christians to worship our real deity, satan.

2 Economic Wars – Covet all wealth and treasures on earth and capture and use of the physical energy of the (goyim-cattle), i.e. Christians to do it. Thus, use Christian’s to do our dirty work. The pen is mighty then the sword, so we Jews will control the press to create wars the Christians will fight for the us! LOL We Jews will only fight when necessary because 1 Jew life is equal to 10,000 goyim (Christians). The goal of these wars is to collect all of the Gold and create chaos that allows us Jews advantageous positions with each country.


Anonymous ID: d5151b Part II - Quick Summary of Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion Aug. 25, 2020, 10:37 p.m. No.10422441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2728

Part II - Quick Summary of Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion


3 Methods of Conquest – Let loose a revolution that will divide all Christian people with the ultimate goal of enslaving all Christian people via socialism. Unleash a plan that brings the world’s economy to a standstill. Cause the Christian goyim-cattle economic harm. Utilize radical forces, of not our own, to loot properties and riot. We, the Jews will be protected. We will not be involved. Only manipulating behind the scenes for our advantage.

4 Materialism Replaces Religion – Utilize gentile secret societies such as the freemasons as a blind. The Christian goyim-cattle will blame all things on them. However, the Christians in these secret societies will disavow God and covet material wealth through satan. These advantages will be seen by the goyim and they will begin to let God out of their lives and this will lead to the destruction of Christianity. We will give the Christian goyim-cattle no time to think about anything. No time to think about God. We will infiltrate their religion so the real head of their churches are the Jewish leaders and they will be forced to worship satan through trickery and shenanigans!

5 Despotism and Modern Progress – Wear down the Christian goyim-cattle with lawlessness and hopelessness so they finally turn to our plan for a super world government, the New World Order. We will ingeniously and secretively invade every government so that the Jews have a hand in everything. We will create division among the goyim-cattle so no country can come to a general consensus on peace. Therefore, they have no choice but to turn to our super world government!

6 Take-Over Technique – Create monopolies so that even the riches of the cattle-goyim must depend on us and thus, we Jews control them. We must lower wages and raise the cost of the necessities of life. We must promote the drunkenness of the Goyim and expose them to things like drugs that will destroy them. Our goal is to destroy the goyim-cattle. Especially, we must exterminate all of the educated goyim-cattle.

7 Worldwide Wars – Our greatest weapon is already in our hands, the press (media). We shall utilize the press to create hostilities, war, and conflict. While we sit back and watch our plan unfold to take over the world.

8 Provisional Government – Only the Jews are qualified to rule the world. The Christian goyim -cattle sign papers without reading them. Therefore, the Jews will occupy all high-level positions to take advantage of the Christian goyim-cattle.

9 Re-education – We have fooled, bemused, corrupted and re-educated the goyim-cattle with fear. Our weapons are hatred, malice, burning greed, etc. Keep them thinking about the past, not the future. There may be goyim that figure out our plot well ahead of time. However, remember we will destroy the goyim with such fear and such force with our ultimate weapons below each American city. Under each American city we have tunnels that are full of arsenals that will blow each major American city into oblivion.

10. Preparing for Power – We shall establish one king that will rule the entire earth. There will be no discord, no religion, no culture. Only peace that we will force through the use of oppression and this is the only way. We shall use hatred, starvation, disease, etc. to get our way.

11. The Use of Masonic Lodges and others as a Decoy – We will use masonic lodges as a decoy so to fool the Christian cattle-goyim as they look to lay blame on our secret attacks. The masons will be our fools!!! We will also use other religions to do our dirty work and the Goyim will think those religions (Muslims) are the evil ones!!!

12. Control the Press – Control the press so not a single announcement of the press will not be released without our control. This way we will control the minds of the goyim-cattle.

13. Distractions – We will continue to fill the heads of the Christian cattle-goyim with filth and smut, crazy stories, and any distractions we can think of to occupy their tiny little brains to keep them from God.

14. Assault on Religion – We Jews must sweep away all religions but our own and keep the goyim-cattle thinking that we are the Chosen people of God. We are not the chosen people and we do not worship the God they think we do, but they will never find out until it is too late!!!

15. Ruthless Suppression – We shall slay without mercy all of our opponents. Especially the freemason’s who have blindly done our dirty work for us. Stupid goyim-cattle!!!


Anonymous ID: d5151b Part III - Quick Summary of Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion Aug. 25, 2020, 10:42 p.m. No.10422476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2728

Part II - Quick Summary of Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion


16. Brainwashing – The leaders of universities and schools will be part of a secret program that will create discourse among the masses. We will teach a false history and a false reality. We will remove any thought of liberty, progress, and equality. There shall be no freedom of instruction and no independent thought. We will use Hollywood movies to steer the goyim-cattle away from God. We Jews shall destroy independent thought so we control the goyim-cattle forever.

17. Abuse of Authority of the Catholic Church – We have taken care of the priesthood of the catholic churches by destroying their credibility. We will destroy the papal court so that all people will be required to worship our fake Jewish god, lucifer.

18. Arrest of Opponents – When we have power, those that oppose us will be arrested and we will torture them mercilessly.

19. Manipulation of Martyrdom – We have done our absolute best as Jews to manipulate the goyim-cattle into thinking we are martyrs. They will forever think we are the victims! LOL Therefore, they will remain in our corner forever!!!

20. Financial Program – We have ruined the gold standard, controlled the gold, and will continue to confiscate it all over the world. The removal of the gold standard in the United States has destroyed the US economy. Watch us destroy it further as the dollar becomes even more worthless.

21. Loans and Credit – We will continue to own the goyim-cattle through the central banking system through a false Federal Reserve System and by owning almost every financial institution in the world. Those that are not owned by the Jews, will be swept away. We will continue to loan money to the goyim-cattle governments around the world and we will do it over and over again. We will own them!!!

22. Power of Gold – We will continue to control all of the gold around the world. Because we own all of the gold, the goyim-cattle will view us as the people God has favored!!! We Jews were never the chosen ones. It was a ruse and now the goyim-cattle will believe it forever!!! They will believe our evil deity was the creator!!!

23. Instilling Obedience – We will force the cattle-goyim to bow down to the one and only ruler of the world, satan!

24. The End Game – We will own the world. We will own the goyim-cattle! God has endowed us with such genius that we have proven that we are greater than God, and satan our true deity, has been proven to be the superior being. We have forced the stupid goyim cattle to fight among themselves and now they will envy us in every way. However, these goyim will never be able to enter our world of power, greed, lust, and luxury. We will always be above them.

Next: "The Christian Response" to "The Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion"

Anonymous ID: d5151b Part - I The Christian Response to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Aug. 25, 2020, 10:48 p.m. No.10422514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2728

Part I - The Christian Response to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion


Dear Jewish Canaanites (a.k.a. – worshippers of lucifer):


Take this response very seriously. You no longer control us. We know longer listen to the media that you control. We are no longer listen to the science that you control. We no longer listen to the Vatican, that you have controlled. We no longer believe Hollywood movies that you produce. They have no effect. We no longer believe politicians that you control. We will no longer be deceived. We will not be divided by race. We love our brothers and sisters. All of them. And, we once loved you. You were our friends. Some of you who knew about these “Protocols”, looked us in the eye and pretended we were equals. Others, we realize had no involvement and were not even aware of them. We certainly believe we were all equal. We still do.

However, from this point forward you are on notice. Your days are numbered. We listen to God and we believe his written word in the Bible only.

Our new motto as Christian’s, as the real people of the God, is the following: “The Bible before modern science, the Bible before everything”.

We also love this country. We love it because God gave it to us. We love it because those we love(d) have defended it. We Christians are a modest bunch.

We think it is important that you fake Jewish Canaanites (devil worshipping) former friends understand something. We want to be very clear about this; it’s not that you were more intelligent than us. It’s not that you were more educated than any of us. It’s not that you were more informed than any of us. It’s not any of these things because as you know, all men are created equal.

It’s that we trusted you. We did what Jesus wanted us to do. We thought you were our friends. You took advantage of our goodness. Our kindness. Our hearts and our minds. We judged you fairly as Proverbs 31:9 tells us: “to…judge fairly.” You took advantage of that.

We concentrated on serving God in heaven. We concentrated on our families as Micah 7:5-6 tell us too. We did not worry about you. We never placed a priority on wealth or status, like you seemed hellbent on.


Anonymous ID: d5151b Part II - The Christian Response to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Aug. 25, 2020, 10:51 p.m. No.10422535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part II - The Christian Response to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion


Now that we know for certain that you are wicked; this can no longer continue; we can no longer stay silent as we are bound by the word of our Lord God. Proverbs 25:26 says: “Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked”. We want no part of your evil.

So now, former friends, your time is up. Our trust in you has ended. You have pushed it too far. Your tactics are now known to all. You hide behind the good to work your evil strategies. You use entities like BLM and ANTIFA to do your dirty work. You play the victim at every turn, when everyone knows you are no victim. You infiltrated everything good and used it to further your agenda of oppression and world domination. Worst of all, you used the name of our God. You tried to fool us into thinking he was your God too. Let’s be clear, our God is good. Your god is evil. They are not the same.

We’ve had enough. Your time is done. It is over.

Now, it’s Jesus’ time.

Revelation 1:7 says “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.”

Thessalonians 4:16-17 says “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.”

If you haven’t figured it out, we never worried about you. We knew God had a plan, so we never worried. Our worry has always been about the children that the cruelest of you steal, rape, and torture. We are standing up for those children as Psalms 82 tells us to.

Collectively, we Christians are stronger. You fake Jew Canaanites sons of satan are now the weak and if you don’t feel the pain yet, you will soon.

Coincidently since you are now the weak or soon will be, Psalms 82 tells us Christians to stand up for you as well. So, fake Jewish Canaanites, we are asking those of you that are part of this, those of you that are part of the Jewish Internet Defense Force, those that infiltrate our lives to mislead and deceive, those that were indoctrinated not by choice into this madness, save yourselves. Save your souls. Rebuke your beliefs and walk away. Ask God for forgiveness. Rebuke your evil masters. Please. There is hope for you.

We Christians will continue to speak. We know your tricks and we will continue to call you out. As Ephesians 4:31-31 tells us, we will not be bitter. We will not use anger. Nor malice. We will only use truth. We are not afraid of you any longer and we will not be silent.

We the Christian Cattle Goyim will be praying for you.


The Christian Goyim Cattle

Anonymous ID: d5151b Aug. 25, 2020, 10:59 p.m. No.10422593   🗄️.is 🔗kun


um, not anymore!

Read the Cares Act! The definition of central banking was changed! The Dems fucked up and took their eye of the ball. Payback is a bitch!

Anonymous ID: d5151b Aug. 25, 2020, 11:24 p.m. No.10422779   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You think we don't know that Jew shills infiltrated Christianity and tried to ruin it. Yes, Christianity is the answer. Jesus is the answer.


By the way fake Jew Shill Canaanite, you don't think we know that you are not DNA linked to the Biblical Jews in the Bible? Because you are not.