Attention All Fellow Christians! Read this Summary of the “The Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion”
If you have read the “The Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion”, available at the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) website you now realize that most “elite” Jews (Canaanites) are really worshippers of satan and derogatorily refer to us Christians as “Goyim”, “Sheep”, and “Cattle”. It is enough to make you ill. We Christian’s believe all men are created equal and still live by this Constitutional code of honor. Yet, the “Protocols” think differently. The “Protocols” provide the basis for the radical left’s current movement to take over the United States of America and implement a permanent socialist government throughout the world. The “Protocols” put the Jewish religion above all and then lead us down the path of devil worship.
As crazy as this sounds, it is true. They are doing it by manipulating us and our minds, turning us against one another, all while they sit back at watch it all happen. As a side note, it is important to understand that there are some Jewish people that do not subscribe to the “Protocols” agenda of hate. It is also important to note that some Jews are subscribing to the agenda of hate, and like us Christians, they are not even aware of it. They just blindly follow along.
If you haven’t read this “Protocols” document, we suggest that you do it immediately. You should also begin to research everything you read below. We Christian’s are not antisemitic. Never have been. We love all people. But we also know when to draw the line. That time has come to draw it.
The “Protocols” are the documents of the Jews (Canaanites), not ours. It is important to note, that these modern Jews (Canaanites) are not the Biblical Jews. There is no DNA relationship. These Jews (Canaanites) have highjacked that religion. You need to research this with a search engine that will not censor you. The full “Protocols” can be downloaded at the FBI website at this address:
If you have read it, you now realize (if you hadn’t already) that every aspect of our lives has been controlled by the “elite” fake Jews (Canaanites) for 3 primary reasons: to gain wealth and power; to keep us away from God (the true God in heaven above); and to provide more visibility, relevance, and to attempt to claim victory for their loser deity known as lucifer, satan, the devil, moloch, beezlebub or any other name that I, hereby as a Christian, rebuke. (Editor’s note: Never capitalize the name of any deity other than the Lord God in heaven).
We have broken this document into two sections, the first part is a summarized list of the protocols of these sick twisted elders that have led the Jewish religion for centuries. The second part is our response, as Christian’s, to these evil and ruthless people. If you haven’t noticed, we are in a holy war for the soul of the world so we urge you to share this letter with all Christians.
Do Not Hate
Finally, all Christians, as you read the summary of their “Protocols” below, do not let your heart be filled with hate and/or rage. That is what they want. That is what the devil wants. We as Christians simply need to be aware of their ugly agenda of hate and then use it to better our lives. In other words, we need to grow closer to God. If anything, these “Protocols” should serve as an example to us all as to how easily we can be manipulated away from God by the devil. The way you fight back this hate is not to hate others yourself. Rather, fight back by growing closer to Jesus and helping other fellow Christians remove themselves from this manipulation.
Part I - Summary of The Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion (Jewish Canaanites)
1 The Basic Doctrine – A grand plan to overtake Christians and other non-Jews in society by subversive power and dominance. Take morality out of the culture. Corrupt the governments. All Jews for one, and one for all Jews. For the goyim-cattle Christians to worship our real deity, satan.
2 Economic Wars – Covet all wealth and treasures on earth and capture and use of the physical energy of the (goyim-cattle), i.e. Christians to do it. Thus, use Christian’s to do our dirty work. The pen is mighty then the sword, so we Jews will control the press to create wars the Christians will fight for the us! LOL We Jews will only fight when necessary because 1 Jew life is equal to 10,000 goyim (Christians). The goal of these wars is to collect all of the Gold and create chaos that allows us Jews advantageous positions with each country.