Anonymous ID: dfccbf Aug. 26, 2020, 2:22 a.m. No.10423705   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Terrible stance.

First of all, his shoulders should be high and tight. A good haymaker or hook will make it through that and he has no guard to return to after throwing jabs.

Secondly, his elbows are pointed too low to the ground. I don't know what the fuck he thinks he's doing with his hands, but that's a lot of wasted movement to throw a punch. He shouldn't have to twist his wrists that much.

Thirdly, even if he were going for a more Eastern stance, his feet are obviously way too close together. He has very little root with his weight distributed like that and the non-forward hand should be lower to throw body shots if he wants to go for a more karate or Tae kwon do-ish punch. I don't see him being able to twist his hips or his core enough for that.

Fourth, his head should be lower and more tucked into his guard.

Fifth, his hands are too close together. Either retract your back hand towards your face or put it somewhere down-low; that guard is just awful.

Sixth, he's not in a good position to keep his head mobile.

Lastly, even the angle he's got his body at is bad. Simultaneously exposing too much and not having enough leverage options if he's going for the grapple.

2/10, holy fuck I've seen literal children do better

Anonymous ID: dfccbf Aug. 26, 2020, 2:47 a.m. No.10423835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3902

/nightshift/ Anons, I'm getting sleepy. Forgive me if I clock out.

Let me just say something. It's easy to get wrapped up in promises of a brighter future. Released cures. Evil defeated. Prosperity and greatness.

But from what it looks like, the world we emerge into once this battle is won will be in ashes. These radicals are fully-willing to burn it all down just to save their skins and their twisted ideologies.

We will have work to do. The future will be bright, but it will be bright because we will make it so. It will be on us to build back better. To seize our destiny in the stars above. To put something noblebin place of this corrupt and broken system that is now lashing out in its death throes. To foster the peace and prosperity that they sought to take from us.

God will guide us in destiny and providence, but a happy ending will not be handed to us on a silver platter. We are paving the way for opportunities we never imagined and it will be on us to capitalize on those opportunities.

To a brighter future, Anons. We can build it.

Anonymous ID: dfccbf Aug. 26, 2020, 2:54 a.m. No.10423871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>“Hope”is the thing with feathers -

>That perches in the soul-

>And sings the tune without the words-

>And never stops-at all-


>And sweetest-in the Gale-is heard -

>And sore must be thestorm-

>That could abash the little Bird

>That kept so many warm-


>I’ve heard it in the chillest land-

>And on the strangest Sea-

>Yet-never-in Extremity,

>It asked a crumb-of me.