This is why the roboshill shut the fuck up at the end of last bread. They know anons know.
This is why the roboshill shut the fuck up at the end of last bread. They know anons know.
your shit has poop interleaved with facts. That's why you sell it, to poison the well.
feel free to keep spamming it it is a free speech board after all, and you're not posting cp today.
anons learned how to discard your shit in 2017. Have a wonderful waste of a day, and remember to spam me in response, because you will.
Plus the idea that you would post that material at me pretty much proves you are either chinese or saudi.
Proboably chinese, the sauds have just as much power as the kikes at this point.
>Dumb kids try to play war, and have no idea what shit they are stepping in.
something something "grotesque miscalculations" something somethingโฆ
Everyone was warned what would happen.
Nobody can be told.
They must be shown. Just like in the movie.
<ignores the response of "probably chinese"
blah blah blah hah hah hah.. shitpost you longtime. You take engrish crass?
yeah, unfortunately.
WWG1WGA goes both ways. Just like FISA's
So we wait for our brothers and sisters to catch up.
And be patient for the fooled.
Because being an idiot is not a sin.
Being a fool, is.
well it looks like someone re-defined what "unorganized" means while we all slept then?
because antifa and blm's got better funding than any street gang
Those are not lawful "unorganized militias"
Those are illegal organized mobs.
Astoundingly huge big-league differnce, anon.
Israel does come last. You are scared shitlaess that you are included in that; You stated yourself that the jews signed over ALL OF THEIR POWER TO THE CHINESE.
But keep posting.
>That by definition is a militia.
an illegal one, under federal law.
>A mob does not have that kind of organization.
Tell that to any crime family boss.
>former Republican
Oh good, the rino is becoming extinct. Bout fucken time their camo was ripped from them.
>Mobbsters are not the same as a mob in the middle of a street.
>Stop convoluting the matters.
So you think mob activities are not involved in stocking antifa street chumps with pallets of bricks and other assorted things?
It's all related and you sound like you want the conversation to not go this way.
I'm sayin.. It's allll rackettering, corruption, nepotism.
it's all mob shit by a diffrent name, just like the socialists always do.