5:5 anon
there is nothing salvageable about the UN, it was set up to promote NWO. Even their gay logo looks like our world in a target reticle
5:5 anon
there is nothing salvageable about the UN, it was set up to promote NWO. Even their gay logo looks like our world in a target reticle
God is bringing hammer down on the DS 501c3 churches that have been preaching prosperity/selfhelp gospel (and trafficking/programming millions)
The church 'system' is coming down and what will remain afterwards is the remnant who will truly wield God's power to heal and move mountains. The silencing of the existing church via 501c3 was critical precursor to roe vs wade and taking prayer out of school. The church was silenced and the DS had their way with this country. Witches/warlocks infiltrated the churches and schools.
Good things coming