Anon can't wait until (you) read about Admiral Byrd and Operation Highjump. After that you'll have to read about Nikola Tesla just to keep from going insane.
And j00das iscariot.
Jew = you = ewe (think scapegoat). Even hitler called them y00den. They are merely the reflection in the mirror of our society. Punching the mirror won't change the ugliness of the viewer and will only end up cutting the hand. Every country has the jews it deserves.
Oh, and i should have included John G Trump with Nikola Tesla in muh prev post.
>Israel is (((their))) land for mischief
Astute observation, anon. I suppose that the next step is: how do we make life in america so nonviolently frustrating for (((them))) that they voluntarily pack up and move to israel.
I would put beehives throughout every single urban center in america starting in durham, nc… but thats just me…