>>10425301 PB
This is the anon who collected 2000 anti-Q articles. see >>>/qrb/42565
- Last May, i noticed an anti-Q article written by a Christian author that got widely circulated:
Said QAnon is a new religion. Made other negative claims wo/sauce - see BELOW.
Written by Joe Carter of the Gospel Coalition.
Aug 19 2020, he twatted a reminder of that article HERE >>
- There was an post PB in which "evangelical leaders" supposedly denounced Q as satanic:
PB post: >>10425301 Evangelical leaders denounce QAnon as ‘political cult,' ‘satanic movement’
Heavily cited Joe Carter's article from last May:
“The QAnon movement frequently engages in slander, which James calls demonic behavior (James 3:15–16). The QAnon movement often traffics in lies, which Jesus says are associated with Satan. The QAnon movement repeatedly sides with demonically inspired falsehoods that divide professed Christians from faithful believers,” wrote Carter.
“And the QAnon movement has a tendency to call evil that which is good, and good that which is evil, and to put darkness for light, and light for darkness (Isa. 5:20). As movement of Satan, QAnon is incompatible with Christianity.”
Carter called on Christians to “work to guard those who would fall for such deceptions” and to “plead” with QAnon supporters within the church “to return to the faith.”
“It is neither too early nor too late for Christians to launch a counterattack on the demonic influence of QAnon,” he concluded.
CALL FOR A DIGG on The Gospel Coalition
Suspect they may be infiltrators not true Christians.
Here's what I got so far:
Founded in 2005. The mission of TGC is to encourage and educate "current and next-generation" Christian leaders by advocating "gospel-centered principles and practices". It's worldwide: "Since 2006, TGC International Outreach has distributed almost 600,000 resources in more than 130 countries across Africa, Asia, South America, and Europe." (Wikipedia). [Wikipedia calls it Calvinist but it's awfully ecumedical to be truly Calvinist.]
Criticized for promoting "cultural transformation" although it's not clear what that really means. Wants to shut down those who disagree with them. Also defended Sovereign Grace Ministries (sexual abuse scandal).
The Christ on Campus Initiative
First topic is on "Trauma, Abuse and Christian Faith" (strange topic to lead with)
Fourth is on homosexuality. Points to an article written by the director of the Institute for the Study of Sexual Identity…..
Has a weird vibe, needs more digging.