They want you used to following orders so if anything ever happens with Q you will be too much of a bunch of faggots to help hang your share of satanist. This is all it is.
Yeah they are pretty stupid.
Is that a Muslim or a Jew face?
Make Basketball great again. White quotas….80% to match our population levels.
Fuck off he will get off and when he does he will never want for pussy or will ever have to buy his own beer in any bar he goes into till the day he dies
So they proved they can hit water? And we scared?
Back when Q was first started in the fourth or fifth month I got banned for saying the Jews did not pray to the same God as Christians. So much for free speech. Two weeks later that fungal guy was booted and I was back. It strikes a nerve in the Jew and they move to shut you up fast as they can.
If you had to ask yourself who would you rather spend a two week period with…Hitler or the Head Rabbi of Israel?
Frankly the Rabbi might get hungry and eat you….Hitler is at least a vegaterian. And Hitler liked dogs….Jews like nothing but shekels
Even George Washington Masons? Was he bad? Honest question because I would be sad to know he was a kid fucking cannibal kike lover also. Would be sad sad day.