In the land of the blind,
The one eyed man is king.
Declaring themselves wise
They became fools.
This has became a fools game.
Only an idiot believes this
Attack was justified or
Perpetuated by a false flag,
Responding to a lie with force
Is stupid.
Not #MAGA and it's over.
Maga patriots have become
No better than the #usefulidiots
Of Obama.
Same people just change the name.
They worship government.
They do not care for freedom,
To stupid to inherit the country
Our forefathers conquered.
Nothing good ever comes from a liar.
Remember the UK gas attack.
You are being played.
SMe people that said it was Russia said it was Assad, Potus fuqed everyone of the #Maga.
The emperor has no clothes and trying to cover up compromised nakedness.
Wrong is wrong and attacking a nation that did not attack you is a war crime.
Coup de tat is complete.
100 globalist compromised.
Ammo up be ready to protect your own,
For something evil this way comes.