yea he was attacked first
the law generally says deadly force or threat of grave physical harm is required to use a firearm. A mob chasing you with weapons certainly qualifies.
watch the video, there are all kinds of weapons being held by the people chasing him. Should he have been there? I would say you should stay home and not get involved in this shit unless defending your family or friends.
video from Daily Caller of the shooting incident
kek they are majorly triggered
You should fire until the threat is gone, there is no legal limit to how many bullets you can fire in self defense
it's hard to tell for sure what is going on at the beginning
side boob :)
The rest will be filled in by witnesses which will most likely all be against him, another reason not to go out and do this sort of thing. Stay home
yes the kid was stupid, do not do this. This is what the enemy wants. But he still acted in self defense so I defend him in that regard.
yes I would let him off too but maybe charge him with being underage with a rifle, he should learn a lesson but not a very harsh one.