Anonymous ID: 6c4e5c Aug. 26, 2020, 8:23 p.m. No.10434315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is a rather big graphic, so I will explain some of my thinking. Basically, the graphic hinges on the single POTUS tweet at the upper left. This:

I noticed the timestamp on the phone image, and since I think such timestamps have been used as comms before, I wondered whether this signalled a storm about to hit the Rothschild banks. But as I was reviewing the relevant posts, I noticed that Q had written Cameroon as Came Roon. It looks like some others have noticed this and proposed some ideas in the past, but it wasn't clear if any theory had really taken hold. This made me wonder if it is one of those clues that Q drops in to be solved later, so I got to trying out some ideas and the upshot is that I came up with three possible meanings and so far as I can tell all three seem to work.


I'll spell them out here so that the graphic is easier to read. First, I read Came Roon as signalling CR, and then used letter-to-number matching (as with KC), so this came out as 3-18, and I took that as a date. And that seems to work nicely, since it gives a parallel lineup of the Rothschild banks and their Obamagate stooges. But then I also tried to figure out if there was a clue involving Cameroon itself. Now I actually don't know a whole lot about Cameroon, but it turns out that two things I do know seem to be winners. The first was that Cameroon really had a breakout soccer team a few decades back, beginning in the 1990 World Cup. And the second was that there was a crazy lake disaster there in 1986. And the more I thought about these two angles, the more I found that they seemed to point to other Q clues that seemed to have nothing to do with Cameroon. So eventually I put all of this stuff in the graphic.


I left out some stuff that I expect experienced anons will know. For instance, on the line with Indomitable Lions logo, I expect many anons will recognize the image to the left as the banner that used to appear on CBTS breads, and they'll know that the POTUS/Putin/ball got much attention way back when and more recently, and they'll know that the Flynn banner is under discussion as a possible code and so on. Anyway, I figure anons are better at sorting this stuff out than shills who work for the Rothschild banks.


Here is the rest of the sauce (apart from obvious stuff):




Also, it might be worth noting the years for Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), the Lake Nyos disaster (1986), and the Cameroon-Argentina upset (1990). The corresponding Q posts are all dated August 29, and I know that one anon has made some graphics pointing to this as Judgement Day, like in the Terminator films.


Anyway, offering this up as food for thought. If you find it unpalatable, no problemo.