Anonymous ID: 52c253 Aug. 26, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.10435160   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let's be honest, anons. Sometimes you like something by accident, and then quickly unlike it. Other times, you like something, and then realize it might not be likeable, then you unlike it and hope no one really notices.


If ego weren't a thing with you "Big Names", then:

  1. Enoch's need to stake claim to "Proofs" wouldn't matter as much as it does. Besides; you'll always be the king of Qangels right (open sourced tits posting is awesome, innit)?


  1. Methods wouldn't feel so strongly about their following simply trusting what they post as being gospel. Gotta keep that podcast going, right?


  1. Julian backing out on something just a tad bit too controversial as it pertains to building a base.


Speak the truth, and quit playing shell games, anons. If you don't follow back because, well, many folks don't contribute the way you think they should, or tons of the accounts on twitter are "bots", or GASP, you really don't think most of the people in the movement on "on your level" then say it. Besides, it's a huge ego boost to see that following/followers ratio. We get it. Some have high IQ. Some have high resources. Some have both. Many, many more have neither. That's what you get when a geniocracy is in control (looks at @POTUS).


Here's the thing; I'm a Julian fan above the rest because of his bouts with PM (a MAGA coalition asset). The fact that the other 2 haven't ever seemed to have an issue with obvious plants makes me wonder if they even know the battlefield like they should, or are just playing along as long as they can. I'd think Q has that nailed down by now, but who knows.


Irrespective of the obvious, I think it's time to put that ego shit aside, and work together. Besides, we're nearing the end of this show. You guys wouldn't want to cause further issues as election approaches, would you? Don't let the enemy smell blood in the water. That'd be bad. Terribad.