Anonymous ID: acd5b5 Aug. 26, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.10434828   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4839


I did not see a burning bottle, i did not see it hit the ground and burn, nowhere in any video have I seen this. He yells fuck you, and shoots 3 rounds killing guy. Gets on cell “oh shit i killed a guy” and he takes off running.

Anonymous ID: acd5b5 Aug. 26, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.10435171   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5263


Carry Trainer on IG has best compilation/montage.


From what I saw, watch and see what you see:


1.) Guise of them, the “Libertarian militia” being there was to protect property. You see all the cars getting busted up? Where were they? Why did they allow it to habben if that is what they were there to do?


2.) shots were fired, which pissed people off. The cideo calls the pedo an agressor, okay, he is a dirtbag, they are BLM/Pantifa after all.. but this “militia” was actually pissing off the crowd due to shots fired.


3.) This “militia” had no business acting as a militia, not well disciplined, wasnt even their city.. etc. WHY WERE THEY THERE???


4.) Seemed to be coordination between PD and “militia” due to people getting shot and killed yet people’s weapons, only weapons there in full view were never secured by police.. any time I have EVER seen a police officer see a person w a gun they get 3rd degree.. registration etc. these guys were just waived on.


4.) I totally get “militias” being able to be, any time in past though militias have always been fucked w by law enforcement, open carry events getting fucked w in planning stage alone.. and just silence in this, in Portland.. etc. in Chaz, they were handing guns to people and told to protect the area.. wtf?!


This has the feel of an inside job. I also feel everyone’s hero Kyle acted irresponsibly, not maturely w this firearm he had. Where did his “militia” group go?!. Again if there, and some were posred up on roofs, why were they allowing some businesses harm, not others? Or what exactly was REAL purpose for them being there?


We are supposed to dissect these things, many have just rubber stamped what habbened as acceptable, i smell fuckery all over it. This kyle seems to have wanted to get some action w his rifle.


Sauz to montage on IG:

Anonymous ID: acd5b5 Aug. 26, 2020, 10:26 p.m. No.10435413   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Where was the rest of the militia? Why were they allowing damage to property like everyone is saying? Militia clearly stated they were there to protect [them] blm/pantifa from citizens.. what they were saying, yet people say they were there to protect property against BLM/Pantifa.


People are saying a lot of shit, and noone is bothering w the facts.