Anonymous ID: b85041 Aug. 26, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.10434758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4899 >>4932 >>5036 >>5273 >>5423

Watch: Minneapolis Descends Into Chaos, Looting Again After False Police Shooting Story Circulates.


Just got robbed at gunpoint in Minneapolis for my bulletproof vest and backpack


— Kyle Hooten (@KyleHooten2) August 27, 2020


Speaking of failed leadership, here’s Minnesota’s useless governor.


Minneapolis, it’s time to heal. We must rebuild and recover. Dangerous, unlawful behavior will not be tolerated. The State Patrol is headed to Minneapolis to help restore order. I remain in close contact with the city and every state resource stands ready to help bring peace.


— Governor Tim Walz (@GovTimWalz) August 27, 2020


This isn’t about healing. No one looting is doing so out of some deep care and hurt. They are just criminals doing what criminals do. Walz’s weakness has created an environment where portions of his citizens do not respect the police, nor the law. He can’t put the genie back in the bottle now.


Minneapolis’ resident beta male mayor also chimed in.


We need everyone to keep the peace and immediately go home.


— Mayor Jacob Frey (@MayorFrey) August 27, 2020