Anonymous ID: 0baadd 'Lightening' Colbert - Nancy Pelosi Aug. 27, 2020, 2:08 a.m. No.10436716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6728

It doesn't matter whatyouthink is going to happen.

It doesn't matter whatIthink is going to happen.

It only matters whatwillhappen.


Nancy Pelosi's daughter: 'She'll cut your head off'

Before her mother is set to meet with President Trump and other congressional leaders at the White House over border security, Alexandra Pelosi offers insight into how likely incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi approaches meetings with the President. #CNN #News


Alexandra Pelosi, Right!??!?!







The problem is Nancy is old. Her successors are immoral and unethical. The system only functions when a certain percentage of people do what they are supposed to.


Good luck with all your future 'conspiring'.

The Chinese will cut the heads off all those that 'helped' them.

None of you will enter the 'promised land'

Nor your progeny

China China China


Patriots Pray.

Anonymous ID: 0baadd Aug. 27, 2020, 2:24 a.m. No.10436769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6799


'In our image'

'Man' is one day a son

The next day a father

On his 'last day' he becomes all spirit (which has been carried inside him his whle life)


MAN is 'triune' in God's image.

You are confusing many different things to prove your point (which you have not)


Pagan practices spread by Romans??

Abraham/Issac tradtions pre-date the Romans.


'Passover' is not a NT 'fairtale'


Modern 'American' Christianity is deluded but not for the reasons or in the way you portray.


Jesus is the ONLY 'prophet' persecuted and killed by THE BANKING SYSTEM called 'The Temple'.


THIS is whay Romans didn't destroy Jerusalem …until they learned the Jewish banking system and carried the brood of viers to ROME.


It's all about the MONEY.