Anonymous ID: 121318 Aug. 27, 2020, 2:57 a.m. No.10436881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6886 >>6892 >>6896 >>6903

Are people still falling for this Q psyop?


It is owned/operated by the Muslim Brotherhood, as the Muhammadans are the real book-worshiping "jews" who use Torah "Jews" as their scapegoat.


This is what you see as all the muh Jew propaganda: distract from the House of Islam. Q is the same operation (distraction) and they have you people "believing" the problem is somewhere… other than Islam. Lol. Distract, distract and distract.


The problem is "believer" vs. unbeliever" viz. House of Islam. They religiously divide the world and scapegoat all of their own crimes against humanity onto others because "believers" can not account for their own actions (original sin, religion of Adam). They need a scapegoat, thus the "Jew" serves as the scapegoat of the real book-worshiping jews: the Muhammadans who divide and genocide (COVID-19 = Islamic jihad).