Anonymous ID: 3b67d5 Aug. 27, 2020, 2 a.m. No.10436679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6708

>>10436175 (pb)


I think Trump's reference to the "plague" from China is really a reference to communist infiltration. He often mentions the 1918 pandemic but says it started in 1917, making me question which "plague" (communist infiltration or "flu") he's really talking about.


I'd guess that if we could do the comparison, communist revolution has killed more people than "flu".


Q's "fifth column" post seems to agree with this interpretation, imo. Notice how in communism the "state" is always set up as "god". That is truly satanic, I think. This makes the state sponsored kidnapping of children (CPS), organ harvesting (from aborted babies and political prisoners in China), and the vaccination of children like a sacrifice (willing or unwilling) to the devil.


Do you see the process of childhood vaccination as a form of satanic abuse? The child is restrained (when old enough to anticipate the suffering they are about to endure), they are injected with a witches brew of toxins, and they are physically assaulted by the needles. Personally, I liken the vaccine dosages to the fangs of satan. Satan is portrayed in scripture as a serpent. The bite of a serpent is the closest natural analogy to what goes on in vaccination. Since many people now question the benefit of the shots for themselves or their children, we are told that this is "for the greater good" to protect those with compromised immune systems. This literally means that the rationale for vaccines is based upon principles that resemble other forms of human sacrifice.

Anonymous ID: 3b67d5 Aug. 27, 2020, 2:15 a.m. No.10436747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6756 >>6773 >>6782



I disagree with you on that. When a population reaches a certain point in it's decline, I think that it only gets "saved" so to speak, from demographic destruction, if it decides to admit new people. If Japan wants to survive as a country of Japanese, it needs, ironically, some "hybrid vigor" introduced by immigration.

Anonymous ID: 3b67d5 Aug. 27, 2020, 2:23 a.m. No.10436765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I read this piece just now and it is good. How many preventable deaths occurred in the US due to suppression of HCQ?


Anthony Fauci's NIAID has had evidence since at least 2005 that a related anti-malarial (chloroquine) is a potent inhibitor of the SARS coronavirus. Why wasn't this investigated in order that Americans have on hand an effective anti-viral medication?


What would happen if all of us had this in our medicine cabinets as "biodefense"? Would "coronaviruses" alone decrease? Or would we see decreases in all sorts of things such as flu cases, cancers, and relief of autoimmune disorders? Don't know for sure, but I think we should be asking!