Anonymous ID: 3e420c Aug. 27, 2020, 1:29 a.m. No.10436520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6541 >>6548

qmap down


So qmap went down for a little while… at least it is back up on my screen, likely yours too.


Could have been a larp to play Dems/Cabal.


If they are decimated to the understanding that Q has made known, their comms known and compromised, rat lines in disarray, their funds confiscated, investigations sending panic throughout their ranks, 4 governors now… a little tom-foolery with qmap, by Q, would send shock wave throughout their evil realm, easy to track. I hope somebody popped champagne over qmap down, because it is back already. Apart from face to face conversation should any of the SWAMP count on any communique? No, they should not. More important, do they count on communique that is not face to face? Yes, yes they do, they must and we know they are too arrogantly stupid to do anything but count on their 'trusted' lines and means. Thus Q can deliver on them one sucker punch after another. Perhaps sometimes qmap gets to play a part?


Is that what happened this time, don't know and really do not care. qmap keeps coming back… that is what I know. Unable to see qmap, I lurked a bread here on kun. This place keeps getting better, thanks.


Do find it strange this cite pushes research and nonviolence yet many here salivated over Kenosha. I get it, but here I refrain any such grandstanding. Out in the outside, the world of not kun, a touch of that sort of rhetoric, even as a 'what-if' or as an honest question, can help to expose where folks are at. Now, I do agree Kenosha is a matter of research, careful observations, honest assessment. And I also agree, this place should push their own agenda/platform… but then life happens and folks here need to react within the circle they are comfortable… meaning here, avoiding to rush into any sense of fake news.


I do feel this board is dedicated to crumbling a bread every hour or two at the set of 750/751 each. The one I lurked was about 1:40. Sounds like the speed of gossip, not research… yet it is typical clip on this board. Nothing wrong with talking it through, 'hive mind'… it just is not research and any such flattery is more akin to fakery than truth. The biggest conspiracy on this board is that it is dedicated to research… think on that, as more and more outsiders take a look and interest.


I am so far down the Q rabbit hole, this is about the only place that may get me, my rantings. But you cannot have research, especially in a collective manner without excellent organization… like Q ordered. When it comes to organization, this place sucks top notch in bottom drawer,,, but, I am stuck with you and you are stuck with me. That's observation and fact, no complaint.


Call me what you like… but I am gone until I am back to drop… or maybe I get smacked out of the top of my research strain and chain, going insane, qmap again.