Anonymous ID: 4683b5 Aug. 27, 2020, 2:14 a.m. No.10436744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6791 >>6800

3 years before, Trump taunted the international Cabal.


Guys! I just had this retarded mind voice telling me this timeline.


What IF, Trump and the Patriots at NSA spoofed out the comms between Deep State puppets and Cabal players.


They planned to release a virus to depopulate earth, put an halt on any progress to uninstall the Deep State. Trump and Putin and all the head of states would be bogged down by millions of civilian deaths.


So the Cabal ordered Deep State to finalize the work and release the virus.


It was supposed to be an engineered corona virus, common cold, super infectious and deadly. airborne aids.


but Patriots took control, either by inoculating the entire world! or by swapping out the virus through control over deep state puppet assets working in labs.




Trump mocked them by saying COVFEFE. Covfefe maybe is more than just an arabic expression.


Who knows. Amazeballs if true.