Anonymous ID: b01f0d Aug. 27, 2020, 12:52 a.m. No.10436374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6395 >>6438

Ever consider the number of sometimes-contradictory angles of psychological and military strategy that must be timed and executed to somehow peacefully coexist as they are simultaneously paraded out onto a tightrope wire in a fantastically multi-pronged implementation of "The Plan"?


Reign in Israel's world dominance while seeming like Israel's best friend. Dismantle collective masonic police power while being the obvious presidential preference of almost all cops. Dismantle the corrupt NEA, public and collegiate educational systems while appealing to most parent's desire to have those very institutions returned to normal. Destroy the almost universally unrecognized demonic power of sports-Ba'al using a dramatically-diminished version of your enemy's own bioweapon and ridiculous social justice "warriors" brigade as an excuse to get them to cancel their own games and empty the arenas of the ones still played, while painting everyone involved as gigantic cucks to their largely male-warrior/wannabe-warrior fan-base, while subtly conveying that you think the pandemic is so dangerous that you almost totally ignore its most advertised bullshit precaution/preventative measure—masks, appearing, yourself, to be the truly fearless warrior. And moar. Basically, destroy all of your enemies (and the facades/esoteric concepts behind them, to which 99.9% of people are oblivious) via means that largely create the impression that they're entirely doing it to themselves. What a BALANCING ACT.


It all collectively feels birthed of the divine and easily warrants the description of "breathtaking"

Anonymous ID: b01f0d Aug. 27, 2020, 3:03 a.m. No.10436906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is there a manual of what various head/body scratch/rub/swipe gestures mean or do I just have to figure it out myself, using logical deduction and intuition?


"right knows"

"left knows"

"4/fore chin score"

"2/to 3/tree left browse"

"right eye/i sock et/it"


sounds crazy to any normie (and maybe most here), but kind of deducing even when I do it to myself, it isn't random.