Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 12:52 a.m. No.10436371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6383 >>6385 >>6389 >>6393 >>6402 >>6577




Their goal is to divide people by encouraging us

To treat the Jews as a group

And to tar all of them with the sins of a few.

The Cabal uses Jews as useful idiots

Their goal is for the Jews to close ranks

And protect a Cabal con-artist criminal

Whenever he is attacked by victims

Of course, the Jews themselves are being conned by the Cabal

Just in a different way, to play a different role.

Con artists play their game according to scripts

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 12:57 a.m. No.10436389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6392 >>6404




Seth Rogen Comedy Movie


This short movie is very revealing of the Jewish culture

Of real German/Yiddish speaking Ashkenazi Jews

From the area of Poland/Ukraine

Who emigrated to New York

Of course, New York, as the financial capital of the world

Is also the capital of Cabal bloodlines and their plotting.


There is a lot of comms in this film.

Small actions and small events UNVEIL

The actual real-world situation in modern America

A short movie well worth watching

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 1:08 a.m. No.10436441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6449 >>6464 >>6478 >>6480 >>6482



I think it is a much more sophisticated PsyOp than you think

Many people slowly are reached by the Jew spam

And realize that there is some factual basis behind it

And the natural tendency is then to share some facts with others.

The problem is that the Jew spam is carefully crafted lies

If you take the trouble to follow up references to the Talmud

Or to various writers whose quotes are used

It is almost always fake and untrue in the specifics


For example, most of the talk about condoning pedophile sex acts

Is completely false

And yet there is a problem in the Jewish community

With pedophile rabbis and pedophile families

But the Jew spammers NEVER mention the specifics of these real documented cases.


For example:

Shame on the Riverdale Jewish Center for Backing Immoral Rabbi Who Mentored Young Boys in the Nude


Ultra-Orthodox Sex Abuse Whistleblower Describes "Child-Rape Assembly Line"

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 1:19 a.m. No.10436475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6498 >>6503 >>6532



Then we should reply to EVERY SINGLE Jew spam posting with facts, and links to sources that contain evidence of crimes and corruption within the Jewish community.


Clean up those communities and then anti-Semitism will fade away. It is the criminals and con-artists who keep the anti-Semitism alive by painting swastikas on synagogues because they need the useful idiots to cover for them.


UNVEIL the evil and in the harsh light of the sun

Their power shrivels.


“This isn’t a problem about a few aberrant cases or an old-fashioned community reluctant to talk to police about sexual matters,” said Michael Lesher, a practicing Jew who has investigated Orthodox sex abuse and represented abuse victims. “This is about a political economy that links Orthodox Judaism with other fundamentalist creeds and with aspects of right-wing ideologies generally. It’s an economy in which genuine religious values will never really rise to the top, so long as they’re tied to the poisonous priorities that elevate status and power over the basic human needs of the most vulnerable among us.”


[T]here is limited general education, to the point that most men in the community are educated only to the third grade, and receive absolutely no sexual education. No secular newspapers are allowed, and internet access is forbidden. “The men in the community are undereducated by design,” [Hirsch] said. “You have a community that has been infantilized. They have been trained not to think. It’s a sort of totalitarian control.”


Above two quotes from this article:

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 1:26 a.m. No.10436503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>right-wing ideologies


This is the key phrase in the first quote. When you serve an ideology of any sort, you are a SATANIST who has lost touch with God. People who pray regularly have no ideology because they have no need of one. They communicate directly with God and treat other people are fellow children of God.


>They have been trained not to think. It’s a sort of totalitarian control.


The key phrase in the second quote. Anything that discourages people from education and learning their whole life long, is totalitarian thought control. Spectator sports like the NFL and NBA for instance. Constant streaming of hit music, for another.


We really have serious problems in our culture and we have to wake up and help others to also wake up. Show a good example, for instance by playing kick the ball games in the park in a group with kids and adults together where the goal is TO HELP EVERYBODY HAVE FUN. Sports should be participatory and does not need to ALWAYS BE COMPETITIVE AND DIVISIVE.

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 1:34 a.m. No.10436546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6581

The use of the termred linesuggests to be that the criminal bloodlines may be pressuring Reform Jews on this issue

Why Reform Never Abandoned Circumcision


Reform Judaism has done away with a number of ritual observances that conflict with our contemporary cultural and aesthetic sensibilities. And it is difficult to imagine any ceremony that stands more at odds with the views and habits of modern civilization than berit milah, ritual circumcision. Critics of the procedure, including a not-insignificant number of Jews, condemn it as a gruesome and dangerous procedure, some calling it “genital mutilation.” Many would add that a ritual from which females are naturally excluded calls into question our Reform Jewish commitment to gender equality.


Yet this practice survives. Indeed, berit milah is enjoying somewhat of a renaissance in our Movement.


Historians tell us that Reform Jews never abandoned circumcision—it has been a red line Reform Judaism has never crossed. For many years it was a purely surgical procedure performed in the hospital without accompanying ritual. In recent decades, however, our people have transformed “circumcision” into berit milah; that is, we have rediscovered its significance as a ritual act. Accordingly, we perform circumcision in the setting of its traditional liturgy, which includes the recitation of blessings (berakhot) that praise God “who has sanctified us through mitzvot and commanded us” to bring our sons “into the covenant of Abraham our father,” and have added the Sephardic custom of reciting shehechiyanu, thanking God for making it possible for us to reach this joyous event. And in 1984 our Movement established the Berit Mila Program of Reform Judaism, which trains and certifies qualified medical practitioners, men and women, as mohalim and mohalot.


The question remains, however: why do we Reform Jews, who do not hesitate to remove outdated prayers from our siddur (prayer book) and to excise archaic ceremonies from our practice, insist upon maintaining an ancient tribal rite taught to us in Genesis? (“God said to Abraham: ‘As for you, you shall keep my covenant [berit], you and your offspring to come, throughout the ages. Such is the covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your offspring to follow: every male among you shall be circumcised…,’” Genesis 17:9–10.) Why does Gates of Mitzvah, the Central Conference of American Rabbis’ preeminent “guide to the Jewish life cycles,” assert: “It is…a mitzvah to bring a male child into the covenant through the rite of circumcision—berit milah”? And why did the CCAR Responsa Committee state in 1982 that circumcision remains for us an essential sign of the covenant: “We have affirmed it since the days of Abraham, our Father, and continue to affirm it”?


I think that the answer to these questions lies largely in the words “ancient tribal rite.” For that’s what berit milah is. That’s why we do it, and, really, it’s the only reason we do it.

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 1:40 a.m. No.10436587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6608


You seem to have this place confused with a discussion group

Or a debating society

This is a free speech board.

Nobody needs to answer anything

We don't really care what you think about it either.

We know that deranged liberals like you are lost forever.

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 1:53 a.m. No.10436643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6649 >>6724 >>6748


This is important stuff

Because some corners of Hollywood are being cleaned up

And the Trump administration has no intention to bring the hammer down on Hollywood

To many people depend on it for a livelihood,

In other words, Trump is not here to destroy

But to reform.

The pedos are having assets seized

Which means new people are beginning to take charge

Even in just 4 years you can see how many movies

Have shifted their messaging

Big comic book series and Star Wars have had reboots

Which emphasize the importance of TEAMWORK

And downplay the mythology of the UberMensch

Patriots Are Now In Control

More and more, and it is beginning to have an effect.

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 2 a.m. No.10436675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6686



My God are you stupid.

You need to make some signs first


Islamic child abuse has no place in USA


Deport all Muslims back to Middle East


Then get a group to hold theses signs outside a Synagogue on Friday evening when they come to services.

And shout abuse at the Jewish muslims

You muslims are all the same

We hate muslim jews

Fuck the Jew Muslim pedos out of here.


Throw spoiled fruit and vegetables at them


You will be surprised how the news media avoids any mention of the protest.

They won't even try the anti-Semite thing on you.

Anonymous ID: cbdddc Aug. 27, 2020, 2:18 a.m. No.10436755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6801

Otto Skorzeny: The Most Dangerous Man in Europe


Otto Skorzeny was born into a middle-class family in Vienna, Austria, on June 12, 1908. As a student he distinguished himself in scientific topics, and after graduating he enlisted at the University of Vienna as an engineering student. His great passion was fencing. He joined the University fencing team and during a match he received the prominent scar on his cheek, known in German as a ‘Schmiss’ which was then a coveted mark of bravery among German and Austrian youth.